Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, July 6, 2012

FinNews for the week ending July 6, 2012

FinNews for the week ending July 6, 2012

Top Stories

In an attempt to boost the eurozone economy, the European Central Bank cut its key interest rate to 0.75 percent, a record low. In addition, the Central Bank plans to set up a single banking supervisor who will keep bank bailouts from bankrupting countries. This supervisor will also make it easier for countries seeking bailout assistance to gain it. (1)

Spain's 10-year debt ended Friday with an almost 7 percent yield, widely-regarded as unsustainable. It briefly rose above 7 percent, prompting many to forecast Spain following Greece, Ireland, and Portugal in seeking a sovereign bailout. (2)

Economic Releases & Statistics

U.S. construction spending saw a 0.9 percent gain in May to a seasonally adjusted annual $830 billion, the largest increase since December. Residential construction grew 3 percent to an annual $261.3 billion. (3) Manufacturing fell to 49.7 in June, down from 53.5, the first fall in three years. Ratings below 50 denote contraction within the market. The index for new orders dropped to 47.8, down from 60.1, the largest monthly decline in the last ten years. (4) Non-manufacturing fell to 52.1 in May, down from 53.7, surpassing expectations for a fall to 53. June's non-manufacturing is the lowest reading since January 2010.

The employment index rose to 52.3 from May's 50.8. (5) The unemployment rate remains unchanged at 8.2 percent. June's Employment Situation showed non-farm employment grew by 80,000. (6)

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Stocks & Earnings

Yahoo Inc. is considering Hulu CEO Jason Kilar for its own CEO position, alongside Yahoo's interim CEO Ross Levinsohn and several unnamed candidates. (7) After a single day in office, Bill Johnson resigned as CEO of Duke Energy. He is leaving with $44.4 million in exit payments. He will be replaced by former Duke CEO Jim Rogers. (8)

Global Currencies

Following Friday's Employment Situation, the euro fell 1 percent against the dollar reaching $1.2264, a low unsurpassed since July 1, 2010. The euro fell 1.2 percent against the yen at 97.76 yen. The Australian dollar was down 1 percent against the U.S. dollar, reaching US$1.0180. (9) Meanwhile, sterling strongly rose against the euro, reaching a 3 and a half year high; the euro dropped to 79.615 pence. (10)

Oil & Energies

Natural gas storage grew 39 billion cubic feet to 3.102 trillion cubic feet, just shy of forecasts for a 41 to 45 bcf gain. (11) Crude oil supplies fell 1.1 percent, 4.3 million barrels, to 382.9 million barrels, more than double estimates for a 2 million barrel decrease. Distillates fell 1.1 million barrels to 117.8 million, countering forecasts for a 500,000 barrel rise. Gasoline storage grew 0.1 percent, 200,000 barrels, to 205 million, versus expectations for no change. (12)

Argentinean YPF SA raised gasoline prices by 7 percent, the first rise since the company's nationalization. (13)

Grains & Field Crops

Suffering from a continued streak of dry and hot weather, corn and soybean crops along the Corn Belt faced an 8 percent decline in conditions. Corn in good or excellent condition fell to 48 percent, down from 56 last week. Soybeans in good to excellent condition fell to 45 percent from 53. Fortunately, 71 percent of wheat is in good or excellent condition, with only 5 percent in poor or very poor condition. (14)

Brazil's corn harvest is forecast to produce 69.5 million metric tons, up from an earlier estimate of 67.8 million and higher than last year's 57.4 million. The nation's soybean forecast lies at 66.4 million tons, down from last year's 75.3 million. (15)

Argentinian Molino Canuelas SA and Chinese Chongqing Grain Group Co Ltd are currently discussing $10 million in joint investments in a soybean farm and dairy farms in Argentina. A planned 10,000-hectare soybean farm will annually output 30,000+ metric tons of soybeans, which will be shipped to China. Chongqing Grain Group Co Ltd also plans to invest $1.2 billion in Argentina to grow corn, cotton, and soybeans. Agreements splitting 50-50 between the two companies are expected within the year. (16)

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Precious Metals

Though China's gold output has rose 6.59 percent to 140.7 tons this year, there is speculation that over time the nation's continued output pace could be slowly declining. (17) Over the last four weeks, South African platinum mines have been closing due to the platinum downturn. (18)

Other Commodities

Due to rain in Brazil, the nation's coffee harvest is forecast to be large but sub-record and its higher-quality beans will be smaller than anticipated. (19) Rains have also slowed its sugar cane harvest, possibly cutting yield potential and driving up prices. (20)

A developing El NiƱo weather pattern could prompt higher cocoa prices. (21) Ivory Coast announced it will resume coupon payments on its $2.3 billion in defaulted Eurobonds, some of which were missed due to political upheaval. (22) The Ghana Cocoa Board announced the commencement of purchases on July 13 for the nation's 2012 light crop cocoa season. (23) India's cotton output is forecast to fall 7 percent to 5.4 million tons in 2012-13, versus 5.9 million tons in the 2011-12 period. Falling prices will cause a 10 percent reduction in cotton area, to 11 million hectares. (24)

Next Week:

Date Event GMT Forecast Previous
7-Jul Sat CNY Business Climate Index     127.30
CNY Entrepreneur Confidence Index 123.00
8-Jul Sun GBP Lloyds Employment Confidence 23:01   -59.00
JPY Machine Orders (MoM) 23:50 -2.60% 5.70%
JPY Machine Orders (YoY) 23:50 7.00% 6.60%
JPY Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥493.1B ¥333.8B
JPY Adjusted Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥401.4B ¥288.6B
JPY Trade Balance - BOP Basis (Yen) 23:50 -¥836.8B -¥463.9B
JPY Current Account Balance (YoY) 23:50 -13.60% -21.20%
JPY Bank Lending Banks ex-Trust 23:50 0.40%
JPY Bank Lending incl Trusts (YoY) 23:50 0.30%
CNY Consumer Price Index (YoY) 01:30 2.30% 3.00%
CNY Producer Price Index (YoY) 01:30 -2.00% -1.40%
AUD ANZ Job Advertisements (MoM) 01:30 -2.40%
9-Jul Mon USD Fed's Evans Speaks in Thailand 04:00    
USD Fed's President Speaks on Banking and Financial Crises in Bangkok 04:00
JPY Bankruptcies (YoY) 04:30 7.20%
JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Current 05:00 47.50 47.20
JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook 05:00 48.10
CHF Unemployment Rate 05:45 2.90% 3.00%
CHF Unemployment Rate s.a. 05:45 3.20% 3.20%
EUR German Exports s.a. (MoM) 06:00 0.20% -1.70%
EUR German Current Account (euros) 06:00 10.2B 11.2B
EUR German Trade Balance (euros) 06:00 14.1B 14.4B
EUR German Imports s.a. (MoM) 06:00 0.80% -4.80%
EUR Euro-Zone Sentix Investor Confidence 08:30 -25.80 -28.90
CAD Business Outlook Future Sales 14:30 35.00
CAD Bank of Canda Senior Loan Officer Survey 14:30 -16.90
USD Fed's Williams Speaks in Idaho 15:55
USD Consumer Credit 19:00 $8.500B $6.515B
NZD NZIER Business Opinion Survey 22:00 13.00
NZD NZ Card Spending - Retail (MoM) 22:45 0.90%
NZD NZ Card Spending (MoM) 22:45 1.20%
GBP BRC Sales Like-For-Like (YoY) 23:01 2.00% 1.30%
GBP RICS House Price Balance 23:01 -16.00% -16.00%
JPY Japan Money Stock M2+CD (YoY) 23:50 2.10% 2.10%
JPY Japan Money Stock M3 (YoY) 23:50 1.90% 1.90%
NZD QV House Prices (YoY) 00:00 3.90%
AUD NAB Business Conditions 01:30 -4.00
AUD NAB Business Confidence 01:30 -2.00
CNY Trade Balance (USD) 02:00 $24.00B $18.70B
CNY Exports (YoY) 02:00 10.60% 15.30%
CNY Imports (YoY) 02:00 11.00% 12.70%
10-Jul Tue JPY Consumer Confidence 05:00 40.70 40.70
GBP Industrial Production (MoM) 08:30 -0.20% 0.00%
GBP Industrial Production (YoY) 08:30 -2.10% -1.00%
GBP Manufacturing Production (MoM) 08:30 0.00% -0.70%
GBP Manufacturing Production (YoY) 08:30 -1.90% -0.30%
GBP Visible Trade Balance (Pounds) 08:30 -£9200 -£10103
GBP Trade Balance Non EU (Pounds) 08:30 -£4900 -£5202
GBP Total Trade Balance (Pounds) 08:30 -£3500 -£4421
USD Fed's Bullard Speaks on the Euro-zone in London 10:05
USD NFIB Small Business Optimism 11:30 94.40
CAD Housing Starts 12:15 200.0K 211.4K
USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism 14:00 46.70
USD JOLTs Job Openings 14:00 3416.00
GBP NIESR Gross Domestic Product Estimate 14:00 0.10%
JPY Tertiary Industry Index (MoM) 23:50 0.20% -0.30%
JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (MoM) 23:50 -0.40% -0.40%
JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (YoY) 23:50 -1.00% -0.50%
CNY Foreign Exchange Reserves $3359.0B $3305.0B
CNY New Yuan Loans 880.0B 793.2B
CNY Money Supply - M0 (YoY) 10.60% 10.00%
CNY Money Supply - M1 (YoY) 4.00% 3.50%
CNY Money Supply - M2 (YoY) 13.50% 13.20%
NZD REINZ Housing Price Index 3390.60
NZD REINZ Housing Price Index (MoM) 1.70%
NZD REINZ House Sales (YoY) 24.40%
AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence 00:30 0.30%
AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence Index 00:30 95.60
AUD Home Loans 01:30 0.80% 0.20%
AUD Investment Lending 01:30 1.70%
AUD Value of Loans (MoM) 01:30 0.90%
11-Jul Wed EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) 06:00 -0.20% -0.20%
EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) 06:00 2.00% 2.00%
EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) 06:00 -0.10% -0.10%
EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) 06:00 1.70% 1.70%
JPY Machine Tool Orders (YoY) 06:00 -3.00%
USD MBA Mortgage Applications 11:00 -6.70%
USD Trade Balance 12:30 -$48.4B -$50.1B
CAD International Merchandise Trade (Canadian dollar) 12:30 -0.60B -0.37B
USD Wholesale Inventories 14:00 0.30% 0.60%
USD Fed Releases Minutes from June 19-20 FOMC Meeting 18:00
NZD Business NZ Performance of Manufacturing Index 22:30 55.70
NZD Food Prices (MoM) 22:45 0.30%
JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) 23:50 ¥1340.7B
JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) 23:50 ¥20.6B
JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) 23:50 ¥377.6B
JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) 23:50 -¥50.0B
JPY Bank of Japan Rate Decision 0.10% 0.10%
NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence (MoM) 01:00 -7.10%
AUD Consumer Inflation Expectation 01:00 2.30%
NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence Index 01:00 105.80
AUD Unemployment Rate 01:30 5.20% 5.10%
AUD Part Time Employment Change 01:30 -7.2K
AUD Participation Rate 01:30 65.50% 65.50%
AUD Employment Change 01:30 0.0K 38.9K
AUD Full Time Employment Change 01:30 46.1K
12-Jul Thu EUR German Wholesale Price Index (MoM) 06:00   -0.70%
EUR German Wholesale Price Index (YoY) 06:00 1.70%
EUR ECB Publishes July Monthly Report 08:00
EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) 09:00 0.00% -0.80%
EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production w.d.a. (YoY) 09:00 -3.20% -2.30%
CAD New Housing Price Index (YoY) 12:30 2.20% 2.50%
USD Import Price Index (MoM) 12:30 -1.60% -1.00%
USD Import Price Index (YoY) 12:30 -0.30%
USD Initial Jobless Claims 12:30 374K 374K
USD Continuing Claims 12:30 374K 3306K
CAD New Housing Price Index (MoM) 12:30 0.20% 0.20%
USD Monthly Budget Statement 18:00
USD Fed's Williams Speaks in Portland 19:40
CNY Industrial Production YTD (YoY) 02:00 10.50% 10.70%
CNY Industrial Production (YoY) 02:00 9.80% 9.60%
CNY Real GDP YTD (YoY) 02:00 7.90% 8.10%
CNY Fixed Assets Inv Excl. Rural YTD (YoY) 02:00 20.00% 20.10%
CNY Real GDP (QoQ) 02:00 1.60% 1.80%
CNY Real GDP (YoY) 02:00 7.70% 8.10%
CNY Retail Sales YTD (YoY) 02:00 14.40% 14.50%
CNY Retail Sales (YoY) 02:00 13.50% 13.80%
13-Jul Fri JPY Capacity Utilization (MoM) 04:30   -0.60%
JPY Industrial Production (MoM) 04:30 -3.10%
JPY Industrial Production (YoY) 04:30 6.20%
CHF Producer & Import Prices (MoM) 07:15 -0.40% -0.20%
CHF Producer & Import Prices (YoY) 07:15 -2.20% -2.30%
USD Producer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (MoM) 12:30 0.20% 0.20%
USD Producer Price Index (YoY) 12:30 -0.40% 0.70%
USD Producer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (YoY) 12:30 2.60% 2.70%
USD Producer Price Index (MoM) 12:30 -0.60% -1.00%
USD U. of Michigan Confidence 13:55 73.50 73.20
USD Fed's Lockhart Speaks on Economy in Mississippi 17:20

1. http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/European-Central-Bank-cuts-rates-to-new-low-3685254.php

2. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/07/06/yield-on-spain-benchmark-bond-nears-7-pct-on-ecb-inaction/

3. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/02/us-construction-spending-rose-0-percent-in-may/

4. http://www.usatoday.com/money/story/2012-07-02/economic-reports-july-2/55978352/1

5. http://www.nasdaq.com/article/us-non-manufacturing-sector-slows-in-june-20120705-00607

6. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-june-unemployment-20120706,0,2147921.story

7. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303962304577509271591146112.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

8. http://www.newser.com/story/149616/duke-ceo-resigns-after-1-day-with-444m.html?utm_source=part&utm_medium=thestreet&utm_campaign=wid_tmb_s5

9. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/07/06/markets-forex-idINL2E8I68YV20120706

10. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/07/06/markets-sterling-update-idINL6E8I640X20120706

11. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20120706/us-natural-gas-storage/

12. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hoQ-Z2FY9hEwkR7CBuAeADePm6lg?docId=926841f61098456b95fbf3540df3a8f3

13. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-05/argentina-s-ypf-increases-price-of-gasoline-7-cronista-says.html

14. http://seekingalpha.com/article/698211-crop-progress-corn-crop-at-alarming-conditions

15. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-05/brazil-corn-forecast-raised-to-69-5-million-tons-conab.html

16. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-06/30/content_15538528.htm

17. http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page33?oid=154570&sn=Detail&pid=102055

18. http://blogs.wsj.com/source/2012/07/04/platinum-miners-under-pressure/

19. http://www.timeslive.co.za/lifestyle/2012/07/05/brazil-s-gourmet-coffee-ambitions-sodden-by-rains

20. http://www.brecorder.com/markets/commodities/europe/66101-sugar-rises-weather-concerns-eyed-coffee-down-.html

21. http://www.agrimoney.com/news/weather-fears-gather-over-cocoa-output-too--4729.html

22. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-07-06/ivory-coast-plans-eurobond-reimbursement-proposal

23. http://www.ghanabusinessnews.com/ghanas-2012-cocoa-season-opens-july-13/

24. http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/indias-cotton-output-to-fall-to-54-mt-in-2012-13/177697/on

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