Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Friday, September 7, 2012

FinNews for the week ending September 7, 2012

FinNews for the week ending September 7, 2012

Top Stories

In a Thursday meeting, the European Central Bank announced it will instate an unlimited short-term bond buying program for euro countries that request help. The plan aims to ease the financial pressure on Spain, Italy, and smaller economies while regaining control of euro region interest rates. (1) While promising, the plan requires interested countries to apply to the eurozone's bailout fund, requiring cuts on spending, deficits, and debt. (2) The move is opposed by Germany's Central Bank, which fears unlimited assistance could ruin the euro. (3)

Digital Domain Media Group Inc.'s shares fell 45 percent following the company's announcement that it is considering bankruptcy protection following its default in paying interest on $35 million senior notes.(4)

Economic Releases & Statistics

July construction spending declined 0.9 percent to a seasonally adjusted $834.4 billion, weaker than expected. Residential construction spending declined 1.6 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual level of $264.6 billion. Home improvement projects fell 5.5 percent. Spending on single-family homes grew 1.5 percent, marking the fourth month of gains. (5) The Institute for Supply Management manufacturing index declined to 49.6, countering forecasts of a growth to 50.2 percent. This is the lowest reading since July 2009 and marks the third straight month of sub-50 percent readings, denoting more contraction than growth. (6) ISM non-manufacturing grew to 53.7 percent from July's 52.6, stronger than estimates for a rise to 53. (7)

The U.S economy added 96,000 jobs in August, decreasing the unemployment rate from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent. The labor force participation rate fell to 63.5 percent, the worst level since September 1981. The civilian labor force decreased by 368,000. (8)

Stocks & Earnings

Apple Inc. "is in talks to license music for a custom-radio service" along the same lines as Pandora, which has weakened the latter's stock. (9) Meanwhile, Apple's rose to a new high of $680 following its September iPhone 5 launch. Amazon saw gains following the introduction of its new Kindle. Google saw considerable gains following successful sales of its Nexus 7 tablet. (10)

Facebook Inc. has acquired of Instagram in the completion of a deal valued at $715.3 million. (11) Smith & Wesson saw stronger than expected first-quarter profits, resulting in a share growth of 20 percent. Ulta saw second-quarter earnings grow 46 percent. Mattress Firm Holding Corp. saw its second-quarter earnings almost triple. (12) Caterpillar grew 4.2 percent following news that China aims to improve infrastructure spending. (13) Campbell Soup plans to launch 50 new products over the course of next year, many of which will come in pouches instead of cans. (14)

Global Currencies

The 10-month Treasury yield rose to 1.637 percent on expectations of ECB more bond buying. The 30-year bond grew to 2.772 percent. (15) The Bank of England opted to continue its low 0.5 percent interest rates and asset purchases program, decided against taking measures to provide stimulus to its economy. (16) Mexico's central bank decided to leave rates at 4.5 percent, but noted it may issue higher rates if inflation continues to rise. (17) The Bank of Canada held its rate at 1.0 percent, continuing a two-year freeze, though it warned that rates may soon rise. (18)

Oil & Energies

Natural gas supplies rose 28 billion cubic feet to 3.402 trillion cubic feet, weaker than forecasts for a 32 to 36 bcf rise. (19) Crude stockpiles declined 7.4 million barrels to 357.1 million barrels, greater than estimates for a 5 million barrel drop, partly due to imports being slowed by Isaac. Gasoline supplies fell 2.3 million barrels to 198.9 million barrels, less than forecasts for a 3.5 million barrel drop. Distillates grew 1 million barrels to 127.1 million, countering estimates for a  1.5 million barrel drop. Refineries ran at 86.1 percent, 5.1 percent less than last week and greater than forecasts for a drop to 89.2 percent. (20)

With the European Central Bank announcing its support of the eurozone, weak economic data is driving down demand for energies. (21) Bangladesh oil demand is set to fall 22 percent, as the government shuts down several power plants to cut costs. (22)

Grains & Field Crops

Isaac brought a great deal of rain to the eastern Midwest, but too late to benefit soybean pod filling. The U.S. 2012 corn yield is forecast at 10.326 billion bushels, down from an earlier 10.779 billion. (23) This week's Crop Progress report showed corn in good/excellent condition stagnant at 22 percent. With 10 percent of the entire crop harvested, 86 percent is dented and 41 percent is mature. Soybeans in good/excellent condition remained at 30 percent, while those in poor/very poor fell 1 percent to 37 percent. 19 percent of the crop has dropped leaves. 95 percent of the spring wheat crop has been harvested. (24)

Mexico raised its 2012 corn forecast to 23 million tonnes, up from 21.8 million tonnes. Its sugar production is forecast at 5.3 million tonnes for the 2012/13 period. (25 Brazil corn output for the 2011-12 year grew to 72.7 million metric tons, just shy of forecasts for 72.8 million tons. Soybean output there fell to 66.4 million tons, in line with estimates. (26)

Precious Metals

Most South African unions have come to an agreement with Lonmin PLC to end violence and begin wage talks. (27) In response to weak supplies due to the Lonmin strike and other disruptions at South African mines, platinum demand has grown to a pace not seen since 2010. Strikes this year have slowed output by 380,000 ounces, roughly 6 percent of global output. (28)

Chinese gold demand fell for the first time in 5 years during the second quarter. (29) Following the European Central Bank's announcement to buy government bonds, gold saw its highest price in 5 months. (30) India may hike a gold import duty to help curb buying. (27)

Other Commodities

The International Coffee Organization grew its world coffee forecast for the 2011-12 season by 1.37 million bags to 132.7 million. (31) Brazil's 2012/13 coffee crop is estimated at 50.5 million 60 kg bags. (32) With their coffee harvest 75 percent complete, Brazilian farmers are stockpiling much of their crop in anticipation of price increases. (33) Nestle SA announced plans to improve direct coffee purchases by from Vietnamese farmers over the next 5 years. While Nestle Vietnam Ltd.'s purchases this year range from 12,000 to 14,000 tons, the company aims to eventually increase these to 60,000 metric tons in order to improve quality. Vietnam's 2011-12 harvest came in at a record 1.55 million tons. This season may see a 7.9 percent gain to 21 million bags. (34)

Ivory Coast is working to settle disputes between rival factions in order to bolster its economy. Aiming to gain emerging market status by 2020, "the government is projecting double-digit growth by 2014." (35) Ghanaian Members of Parliament will deliberate multiple loans aimed at improving the nation's infrastructure, including a $200 million facility connected with the production of cocoa. (36) As Ghana's oil sector grows, earnings could weaken Ghanaian cocoa exports. (37)

Thanks to a dry period, Brazilian sugar-cane crushing may have improved as much as 14 percent in August's second half. 46.3 million metric tons were harvested during that period. (38) India will export 176,000 tonnes of sugar to Iran, 146,000 tonnes of which have already left the country. (39) The festive season may push up demand for sugar and other essential commodities. (40)

Next Week:

Date Currency Event GMT Forecast Previous
8-Sep Sat EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (MoM)     0.30%
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (YoY) 2.00%
9-Sep Sun CNY CNY Industrial Production YTD (YoY) 05:30 10.20% 10.30%
CNY CNY Industrial Production (YoY) 05:30 9.10% 9.20%
CNY CNY Fixed Assets Inv Excl. Rural YTD (YoY) 05:30 20.40% 20.40%
CNY CNY Retail Sales YTD (YoY) 05:30 14.10% 14.20%
CNY CNY Retail Sales (YoY) 05:30 13.00% 13.10%
NZD NZD Manufacturing Activity Volume s.a. (QoQ) 22:45 0.70%
NZD NZD Manufacturing Activity 22:45 -1.80%
GBP GBP Lloyds Employment Confidence 23:01 -51.00
JPY JPY Gross Domestic Product Deflator (YoY) 23:50 -1.10% -1.10%
JPY JPY Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥433.3B
JPY JPY Adjusted Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥773.6B
JPY JPY Gross Domestic Product Annualized 23:50 1.10% 1.40%
JPY JPY Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) 23:50 0.30% 0.30%
JPY JPY Nominal Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) 23:50 -0.20% -0.10%
JPY JPY Trade Balance - BOP Basis (Yen) 23:50 ¥112.0B
JPY JPY Bank Lending Banks ex-Trust 23:50 1.00%
JPY JPY Bank Lending incl Trusts (YoY) 23:50 0.70%
JPY JPY Current Account Balance (YoY) 23:50 -19.60%
CNY CNY Trade Balance (USD) $19.75B $25.15B
CNY CNY Imports (YoY) 3.50% 4.70%
CNY CNY Exports (YoY) 3.00% 1.00%
AUD AUD Home Loans 01:30 1.30%
AUD AUD Value of Loans (MoM) 01:30 1.20%
AUD AUD Investment Lending 01:30 4.90%
10-Sep Mon JPY JPY Bankruptcies (YoY) 04:30   -5.10%
JPY JPY Consumer Confidence 05:00 39.70
JPY JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook 06:00 44.90
JPY JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Current 06:00 44.20
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Sentix Investor Confidence 08:30 -30.30
USD USD Consumer Credit 19:00 $9.250B $6.459B
NZD NZD NZ Card Spending (MoM) 22:45 -0.80%
NZD NZD NZ Card Spending - Retail (MoM) 22:45 -0.60%
GBP GBP RICS House Price Balance 23:01 -24.00%
JPY JPY BSI Large All Industry (QoQ) 23:50 -3.10
JPY JPY Japan Money Stock M2+CD (YoY) 23:50 2.20%
JPY JPY Japan Money Stock M3 (YoY) 23:50 1.90%
JPY JPY BSI Large Manufacturing (QoQ) 23:50 -5.70
CNY CNY New Yuan Loans 600.0B 540.1B
CNY CNY Money Supply - M1 (YoY) 4.60% 4.60%
CNY CNY Money Supply - M2 (YoY) 14.00% 13.90%
JPY JPY Japan Manpower Survey 12.00
CNY CNY Money Supply - M0 (YoY) 9.50% 10.00%
CNY CNY China Manpower Survey 17.00%
NZD NZD QV House Prices (YoY) 00:40 4.60%
AUD AUD NAB Business Conditions 01:30 -3.00
AUD AUD NAB Business Confidence 01:30 4.00
11-Sep Tue JPY JPY Machine Tool Orders (YoY) 06:00   -6.70%
GBP GBP Visible Trade Balance (Pounds) 08:30 -£10119
GBP GBP Total Trade Balance (Pounds) 08:30 -£4308
GBP GBP Trade Balance Non EU (Pounds) 08:30 -£5176
USD USD NFIB Small Business Optimism 11:30 91.20
CAD CAD Housing Starts 12:15 208.5K
CAD CAD International Merchandise Trade (Canadian dollar) 12:30 -1.81B
USD USD Trade Balance 12:30 -$44.3B -$42.9B
USD USD JOLTs Job Openings 14:00 3762.00
USD USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism 14:00 45.60
NZD NZD New Zealand Manpower Survey 22:00 16.00%
AUD AUD Australia Manpower Survey 22:00
JPY JPY Machine Orders (MoM) 23:50 5.60%
JPY JPY Machine Orders (YoY) 23:50 -9.90%
JPY JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (MoM) 23:50 -0.40%
JPY JPY Tertiary Industry Index (MoM) 23:50 0.10%
JPY JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (YoY) 23:50 -2.10%
NZD NZD REINZ Housing Price Index (MoM) -0.70%
NZD NZD REINZ Housing Price Index 3377.10
NZD NZD REINZ House Sales (YoY) 19.90%
AUD AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence Index 00:30 96.60
AUD AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence 00:30 -2.50%
12-Sep Wed EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) 06:00   0.30%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) 06:00 2.00%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) 06:00 0.30%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) 06:00 2.20%
GBP GBP Claimant Count Rate 08:30 4.90%
GBP GBP Jobless Claims Change 08:30 -5.9K
GBP GBP Average Weekly Earnings (3M/YoY) 08:30 1.60%
GBP GBPWeekly Earnings exBonus (3M/YoY) 08:30 1.80%
GBP GBP ILO Unemployment Rate (3M) 08:30 8.00%
GBP GBP Employment Change (3M/3M) 08:30 201K
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) 09:00 -0.60%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production w.d.a. (YoY) 09:00 -2.10%
USD USD MBA Mortgage Applications 11:00
USD USD Import Price Index (MoM) 12:30 1.20% -0.60%
USD USD Import Price Index (YoY) 12:30 -3.20%
USD USD Wholesale Inventories 14:00 0.30% -0.20%
USD USD DOE U.S. Crude Oil Inventories 14:30
USD USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory 14:30
USD USD DOE U.S. Distillate Inventory 14:30
USD USD DOE U.S. Gasoline Inventories 14:30
NZD NZD Reserve Bank of New Zealand Rate Decision 21:00 2.50% 2.50%
NZD NZD Business NZ Performance of Manufacturing Index 22:30 49.40
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) 23:50
AUD AUD Consumer Inflation Expectation 01:00 2.40%
13-Sep Thu JPY JPY Tokyo Condominium Sales (YoY) 04:00   -1.00%
CHF CHF Producer & Import Prices (YoY) 07:15 -1.80%
CHF CHF Producer & Import Prices (MoM) 07:15 -0.30%
CHF CHF Swiss National Bank Rate Decision 07:30 0.00%
EUR EUR ECB Publishes Sept. Monthly Report 08:00
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Labor Costs (YoY) 09:00 2.00%
USD USD RBC Consumer Outlook Index 12:00 46.40
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (MoM) 12:30 0.20%
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (YoY) 12:30 2.30%
USD USD Producer Price Index (MoM) 12:30 1.00% 0.30%
USD USD Producer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (MoM) 12:30 0.20% 0.40%
USD USD Producer Price Index (YoY) 12:30 0.50%
USD USD Initial Jobless Claims 12:30
CAD CAD Capacity Utilization Rate 12:30
USD USD Producer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (YoY) 12:30 2.50%
USD USD Continuing Claims 12:30
USD USD EIA Natural Gas Storage Change 14:30
USD USD Federal Open Market Committee Rate Decision 16:30 0.25%
USD USD FOMC to Release Projections of Economy and Fed Funds Rate 18:00
USD USD Monthly Budget Statement 18:00 -$160.0B
USD USD Fed's Bernanke Holds Press Conference 18:15
NZD NZD Food Prices (MoM) 22:45 0.20%
EUR EUR Germany Fourth Quarter Manpower Employment Outlook (Table)
CNY CNY Actual FDI (YoY) -8.70%
USD USD Federal Reserve's Symposium on Stress Testing Models
NZD NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence (MoM) 01:00 3.30%
NZD NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence Index 01:00 114.10
NZD NZD Non Resident Bond Holdings 03:00 62.80%
14-Sep Fri JPY JPY Industrial Production (MoM) 04:30   -1.20%
JPY JPY Capacity Utilization (MoM) 04:30 -2.30%
JPY JPY Industrial Production (YoY) 04:30 -1.00%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index - Core (YoY) 09:00 1.70%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Employment (QoQ) 09:00 -0.20%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Employment (YoY) 09:00 -0.50%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index (MoM) 09:00 -0.50%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index (YoY) 09:00
USD USD Consumer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (MoM) 12:30 0.20% 0.10%
USD USD Consumer Price Index Core Index s.a. 12:30 230.12
CAD CAD Manufacturing Shipments (MoM) 12:30 -0.40%
USD USD Consumer Price Index (MoM) 12:30 0.50% 0.00%
USD USD Consumer Price Index (YoY) 12:30 1.40%
USD USD Consumer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (YoY) 12:30 2.10%
USD USD Consumer Price Index n.s.a. 12:30 229.10
USD USD Advance Retail Sales 12:30 0.60% 0.80%
USD USD Retail Sales Less Autos 12:30 0.60% 0.80%
USD USD Retail Sales Ex Auto & Gas 12:30 0.90%
USD USD Retail Sales "Control Group" 12:30 0.90%
USD USD Capacity Utilization 13:15 79.30% 79.30%
USD USD Industrial Production 13:15 0.20% 0.60%
USD USD Manufacturing (SIC) Production 13:15 0.50%
USD USD U. of Michigan Confidence 13:55 74.30
USD USD Business Inventories 14:00 0.30% 0.10%

1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/asian-stocks-rally-after-european-central-bank-announces-plan-to-help-indebted-nations/2012/09/06/f3bc5ac8-f896-11e1-a93b-7185e3f88849_story.html

2. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=160725410

3. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/sns-rt-us-eurozone-ecb-germanybre8860au-20120907,0,6193647.story

4. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/07/us-digitaldomainmedia-stratergicreview-idUSBRE88615K20120907

5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/us-construction-spending-fell-09-percent-in-july-biggest-drop-in-12-months/2012/09/04/fb3072a2-f699-11e1-a93b-7185e3f88849_story.html

6. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/ism-factory-index-contracts-for-third-month-2012-09-04

7. http://articles.marketwatch.com/2012-09-06/economy/33632282_1_industries-positive-economic-reports-private-sector-job-growth

8. http://www.cnbc.com/id/48938568

9. http://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2012/09/07/stocks-to-watch-pandora-smith-wesson-and-more/

10. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57508310-93/apple-amazon-google-riding-high-on-wall-street/

11. http://statesmansentinel.com/2012/09/07/facebook-nasdaqfb-finished-its-acquisition-of-instagram/

12. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/hot-stocks-to-watch-2012-09-07

13. http://blogs.barrons.com/stockstowatchtoday/2012/09/07/caterpillar-jumps-4-as-china-approves-big-construction-spending-plans/

14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/campbell-soup-4th-quarter-profit-rises-on-strong-sales-of-soup-simple-meals-in-the-us/2012/09/04/25d35c44-f687-11e1-a93b-7185e3f88849_story.html

15. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120907-706724.html

16. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/07/business/global/bank-of-england-keeps-interest-rates-and-stimulus-program-unchanged.html

17. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/07/mexico-economy-idINL2E8K75PU20120907

18. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/05/canada-economy-rates-idINL2E8K43W120120905

19. http://www.boston.com/cars/news/articles/2012/09/06/us_natural_gas_supplies_grew_last_week/

20. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20120906/us-crude-inventories/

21. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/commodities/crude-oil-down-in-asia-over-demand-concerns/articleshow/16293061.cms

22. http://www.platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/Oil/7048074

23. http://www.farminguk.com/news/Isaac-brings-weekend-rains-Brazil-exports-record-corn_24155.html

24.  http://seekingalpha.com/article/846251-crop-progress-conditions-unchanged-as-harvest-begins

25. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/05/mexico-corn-forecast-idUSL2E8K537O20120905

26. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-06/brazil-corn-crop-rose-to-72-7-million-tons-soy-fell-conab-says.html

27. http://www.nasdaq.com/article/precious-metals-highlights-top-stories-of-the-day-20120906-01029

28. http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page35?oid=158266&sn=Detail&pid=102055

29. http://www.brecorder.com/markets/commodities/europe/77184-china-gold-demand-drops-for-first-time-in-over-five-years-.html

30. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120906-710043.html

31. http://www.agrimoney.com/news/ico-lifts-hopes-for-end-to-colombias-coffee-slump--4948.html

32. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/06/coffee-brazil-crop-idUSL2E8K63ZY20120906

33. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-31/brazil-coffee-growers-hoard-harvest-to-await-price-increase.html

34. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-09-04/nestle-to-increase-direct-coffee-purchases-from-vietnam-farmers

35. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/05/worldbank-ivorycoast-kim-idINL6E8K5IJN20120905

36. http://www.ghanabusinessnews.com/ghana-mps-to-scrutinize-200m-loan-deal-for-cocoa-sector/

37. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443686004577633080263468336.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

38. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-09-06/brazil-s-aug-dot-16-31-sugar-cane-crush-seen-up-14-percent-newedge-says

39. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/06/india-sugar-idINL4E8K62D220120906

40. http://www.myiris.com/newsCentre/storyShow.php?fileR=20120907172748718&dir=2012/09/07

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