Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

| 09.04.12 | The future of Barclays

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September 4, 2012
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This week's sponsor is Opal.

Today's Top Stories
1. Ex-JPMorgan Chase CEO defends universal banks
2. Goldman Sachs tries again with performance-right ABS
3. The future of Barclays
4. Gleacher & Co., boutiques face pressure
5. Can Corzine build a winning hedge fund?

Also Noted: Dow Jones
Spotlight On... MSSB execs to leave?
Ex-UBS execs found guilty; IPO returns lag again and much more...

News From the Fierce Network:
1. Yao Ming moves into private equity
2. Market structure confidence at all-time low
3. Hedge funds suffering another terrible year

This week's sponsor is Kaseya.

Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices
Wednesday, September 12th, 2pm ET / 11am PT

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. Register today.

Sponsor: Kaseya

FierceLive! Webinars

> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices- September 12, 2pm ET/ 11am PT


> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012
> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London
> NYIF Essentials of Project and Infrastructure Finance - September 10-12 - New York, NY
> Investment Trends Summit - September 12-14, 2012 - Santa Barbara, CA
> NYIF Wealth Management Program - October 29- November 16 - St. Petersburg/Tampa FL
> Mobile Wallet Summit Europe - November 28-29 - London


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> Whitepaper: Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments
> Research: Become a Certified GRC Professional

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Today's Top News

1. Ex-JPMorgan Chase CEO defends universal banks

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

William Harrison, the ex-CEO credited with combining JPMorgan and Chase to create the universal bank it is today, has penned a critique of the "break up the banks" school of thought, positioning himself against those like Sandy Weill, the one-time builder of Citigroup.

Harrison notes his view that universal banks were generally not the cause of the recession.

"None of the first institutions to fail during the crisis — Countrywide, Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, the American International Group — were universal banks."

The bailouts, of course, kept some of them afloat through the roughest times, however. Harrison also takes issue with the notion that these universal banks have become too large to manage.

"Large global institutions have often proved more resilient than others because their diversified business model ensures that losses in one part of the enterprise can be cushioned by revenues in other parts. In some cases, complexity can be an antidote to risk, rather than a cause of it."

And he certainly doesn't think that investment banking and commercial banking ought to be split, as the diversification is beneficial. But he does believe in a qualified Volcker Rule, as long as market making and hedging are permitted.

It's a persuasive piece, but it I would suggest that implementing a Volcker Rule with such exceptions will be hard and possibly self-defeating. After all, the Whale Trades were conceived as hedges. What might make the most sense for split-up advocates would be to conceive of a way to separate the "boring," FDIC-insured traditional bank -- basically traditional lending -- from other stuff.

You could add other safe activities, like debt underwriting, but would that also imply that you have to run a market making operation? It may in fact be hard to logically split out the business.

For more:
- here's the essay

Related articles:
Citigroup continues stealth break up


Read more about: JPMorgan Chase
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This week's sponsor is Kaseya.

Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments
It's no secret that responsibilities are growing while budgets continue to shrink. Enact these ten IT habits throughout your financial institution to help you cut costs, create operational efficiencies and align IT to business goals. Download Today!

2. Goldman Sachs tries again with performance-right ABS

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

One way to higher yields is to invest in ABS linked to the royalties generated by the music of Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond and a host of lesser stars.

But investors have recently grown skeptical. Goldman Sachs has tried to market such an ABS twice before and both times received a chilly response. It is hoping the third time proves to be the charm. It will try again in September to interest clients in a $300 million deal for Sesac, the Nashville concern that holds rights to the music.

Bloomberg Businessweek summarizes the views of one S&P analyst: "Royalty payments connected to performances rights for copyrighted music have shown to be 'relatively insulated from economic downturns. ' Still, the company doesn't have an exclusive right to license public performances for its affiliates, and the seasonal changes in royalty receipts may lead to volatile income for the bond payments."

It's unclear why Goldman Sachs pulled the plug on the deal twice before, but it has made some changes. It will now market two tranches, a junior tranche and a senior tranche. The yields on the lower-rated deal will likely top 5 percent, which is astronomical, but appropriate for a BBB- grade security, which would put it barely above junk status.  

The FT says that, "If the prospects darken they (Goldman Sachs bankers) have plenty of options for Dylan songs to use as soundtrack for any roadshow -- Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine from 1966, for example, or the more recent When The Deal Goes Down. If it falls apart entirely and bankers are denied the hunks of plastic they use to celebrate deals, they may suffer from the Tombstone Blues."

For more:
- here's the article
- here's the FT article

Read more about: ABS, Performance Rights
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3. The future of Barclays

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

It's fair to say that Barclays' experiment with an American CEO ended in disgrace.

Bob Diamond proved to be a controversial leader, and the controversy finally overwhelmed him amid the great Libor rate-rigging scandal, for which the venerable British bank has agreed to pay $450 million to settle. The newly appointed CEO, Antony Jenkins, must turn his attention first to the bank's brand recovery efforts, which will be no small task. It may be that he and the board have a larger agenda in mind: He just might return the bank to its roots in traditional retail and business banking as opposed to investment banking, which was the domain of his predecessor.

DealBook notes that this will not be an easy transition. Diamond's mission was "to build out a world-class investment bank from scratch. But while he made headway over the years, the single most transformative event for Barclays was the firm's acquisition of Lehman Brothers' core American banking assets in the fall of 2008. Instantly, the British firm grew from respectable mid-tier adviser and lender to a major deal maker."

Obviously, the choice of Jenkins, who led the retail and business banking units, says a lot about what the board is thinking. The markets will be looking for clues as to how Jenkins will manage the transition, or even if such a transition is in the offing.

For more:
- here's the article
- here's a profile of the new CEO from Bloomberg

Related articles:
Barclays exec in line for huge payout
Bob Diamond to forego $31M in bonuses



Read more about: Barclays, CEO
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4. Gleacher & Co., boutiques face pressure

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

When Eric Gleacher started his own boutique investment bank back in 1990, most assumed it would become an instant powerhouse.

The reality turned out a bit differently. The firm achieved success in winning deal advisory work, but it's history proved a bit tumultuous and it faced enough competition that it sought to diversify into other markets, notably fixed income trading and MBS work. In the end, it did a lot of things, but not any one thing well enough to secure its future.

So perhaps it was inevitable that it ended up on the block and the firm has reportedly hired Credit Suisse to manage the sale. As for Gleacher himself, he's no longer said to be running the firm on a day-to-day basis, but he remains the second largest shareholder behind Matlin Patterson Global Advisors.

Not every boutique is faring poorly. Lazard and Evercore Partners, for example, seem to be holding up despite the trying environment. Greenhill, on the other hand, has suffered in the weak deal environment. As the deal market picks up, the competition will be ferocious at all levels. The bulge bracket firms are certainly sensing bigger business. While some bankers at big firms have left for boutiques, it's far from certain that the move will pay off for them financially the way they hoped.    

For more:
- here' s an article from Reuters

Related articles:
Boutique banks fare well
Greenhill's results disappoint


Read more about: deals, mergers
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5. Can Corzine build a winning hedge fund?

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

One veteran bank industry analyst and talking head doesn't much care for the notion that Jon Corzine, the disgraced former CEO of MF Global, might set up a hedge fund.

"At least Dick Fuld, the disgraced CEO of Lehman Brothers, has had the good sense to retire and stay out of the public eye, and ditto for Ken Lewis, of Bank of America Corp. fame. But if Corzine is allowed back into the financial services industry in any shape, form or fashion — well, that would just be criminal, and anyone who would invest with that man deserves the criminally bad returns that they will likely receive."

Let's say that Corzine ends up establishing a hedge fund -- how would institutional investors react? That's an interesting question. On Wall Street, the prevailing view likely is that "hey, he wasn't accused of anything, so he's fine with us," especially if he will produce outsized returns, for which there is no guarantee. But in the world of public pensions, the thinking may well be different.

At least I think these funds have grown weary of scandal. Whether they pony up with Corzine might be an interesting litmus test of sorts. Not many pensions will be able to invest with a new fund with no track record, but for those that can, it may be that the perception of investing with such a controversial person represents a risk that isn't worth the dubious opportunity for gains. I think he'll struggle to raise a large fund, though he may be able to call in some chits.

For more:
- here's the column from the bank analyst at SNL 



Read more about: Hedge Funds, Jon Corzine
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is Dow Jones.

Join private equity's most powerful investors and dealmakers at the industry's premier conference.

SPOTLIGHT ON... MSSB execs to leave?

Reuters reports that "several dozen Morgan Stanley Smith Barney advisers who manage tens of billions of dollars of client money are considering leaving the firm, saying that widespread technology problems have made it very difficult for them to do their jobs. The group has hired a lawyer to argue that they should be able to keep lucrative retention payments even if they quit, and they have also drafted a letter to Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman outlining their concerns." You have to wonder if this will affect the valuation proceedings that are now underway. Article

Company News: 
> Ex-UBS exec found guilty in bid-rigging case. Article
> UBS probed over Malaysia money laundering. Article
> More on UBS bankers' guilty verdict. Article
> Citigroup settles home equity suits. Article
> JPMorgan sued by La. pension. Article
> A look at BlackRock's proxy battles. Article
Industry News:
> Banker bonuses face shareholder curbs. Article
> IPO returns lag again. Article
> Facebook hits new low. Article
Regulatory News:
> GSE fees boosted by regulator. Article
> More money laundering cases on tap. Article

And Finally…Teleworkers are more productive. Video


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> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices- September 12, 2pm ET/ 11am PT

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. While many banks have awoken to the risks imposed by possible network breaches, the landscape continues to morph, raising the stakes. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. The very notion of Best Practices in the realm of network management and security continues to evolve. We take a look at current trends and up-to-date practices. Register today!


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> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012

This conference provides a unique environment for developing dialogue between plan sponsors, managers and consultants. This event will feature panel-driven discussions focused on specific investment techniques of fixed income and hedge fund managers, the evolving role of institutional consultants, the manager evaluation process and more. Register today.

> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London

Come and join MasterCard, Renfe, Deutsche Bahn, Visa Europe, Orange, Arriva Netherlands, O2 and many more for the first event to bring together the whole NFC Ticketing industry for discussion, debate and quality networking. Click here.

> NYIF Essentials of Project and Infrastructure Finance - September 10-12 - New York, NY

This is a practical course that provides executives, whether as financiers, sponsors, or professional support, an opportunity to understand the risk-return character of limited recourse projects from multiple perspectives. Case studies span a variety of sectors and geographical regions. This course will not use in-depth models involving Excel™, but the instructor (a broad-based finance and investment executive with global experience throughout the U.S., Europe and the emerging markets of Latin America and Asia who has negotiated numerous transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, mezzanine financings, international bank syndications, corporate valuations and fairness opinions) will review modeling approaches with examples. Register today.

> Investment Trends Summit - September 12-14, 2012 - Santa Barbara, CA

Opal Financial Group's Investment Trends Summit will serve as an educational forum focused on analyzing trends for the future, as well as exploring ways to implement new strategies in particular investment plans. As one of our Platinum Series Events, we have designed this investment trends conference to meet the needs of money managers, senior pension fund officers and trustees who prefer smaller, more structured programs. By limiting this event to select managers, participants will be able to more carefully examine a distinct set of topics specifically tailored to their interests.

> NYIF Wealth Management Program - October 29- November 16 - St. Petersburg/Tampa FL

The 3-week Program captures the best practices and insights from corporate thought leaders and wealth management firms. This modular suite of classes is designed to prepare client-facing professionals with the knowledge and skills to meet and add value to wealthy individuals and families. The Program explores the following topics: Global Economic Impact on Wealth, Consultative Discussions and Recommendations, Asset Allocation and Portfolio Optimization, Lending and Leverage, Tax and Intergenerational Planning, and Maintaining Good Relationships with Investment Clients. Register today.

> Mobile Wallet Summit Europe - November 28-29 - London

The Mobile Wallet Summit is the only show that looks at the future of mobile transactions. It brings together every industry you find in your physical wallet, loyalty, identity, ticketing and payments and provides a forum for debate on how they will fit on your mobile.


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