Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, September 7, 2012

| 09.07.12 | Bankers revolt at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

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September 7, 2012
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This week's sponsor is Opal.

Today's Top Stories
1. States calculate Libor-related losses
2. Bank of America employee moons boss, sues
3. JPMorgan defends copper ETF plans
4. Bankers revolt at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
5. Jefferies bullish on Facebook

Also Noted: Dow Jones
Spotlight On... Bank lobbyists to extend outreach via PAC
Barclays still under pressure to reform; Lobbyists ponder big next step and much more...

News From the Fierce Network:
1. Falcone's life takes another wrong turn
2. JPMorgan's London Whale investigation challenges
3. What should GRC vendors focus on?

This week's sponsor is Kaseya.

Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices
Wednesday, September 12th, 2pm ET / 11am PT

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. Register today.

Sponsor: Kaseya

FierceLive! Webinars

> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices- September 12, 2pm ET/ 11am PT


> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012
> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London
> Investment Trends Summit - September 12-14, 2012 - Santa Barbara, CA
> NYIF Core Skills Analyst Program - October22 - November16 - New York, NY
> NYIF Wealth Management Program - October 29- November 16 - St. Petersburg/Tampa FL
> Mobile Wallet Summit Europe - November 28-29 - London


> Get Subscriptions to the Leading Finance Magazines for FREE
> Whitepaper: Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments
> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices
> Research: Become a Certified GRC Professional

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Today's Top News

1. States calculate Libor-related losses

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

I've suggested before that big consumer banks in the U.S face potentially massive legal liabilities in the wake of the  Libor scandal.

The New York Times reports that state treasurers are busy figuring out how much they were bilked due to the irregularities in the rate setting process, which has already prompted Barclays to settle charges for $450 million. The state treasurer of North Carolina told the NYT that the losses would likely at least equal the $25 billion that big banks collectively paid to settle charge related to the foreclosure crisis and mortgage meltdown.

There will be loads of private litigation as well. In fact, such suits have been underway for some time now. The two areas where state most likely lost money was on investments with rates tied to Libor and in interest rate swaps that were also linked to Libor. Most of the losses will likely stem from the latter.

In the end, there may be another tobacco industry-like feeding frenzy, as the entire buy-side spectrum gets in on the act. The losses from CDOs loom as a significant issue that could boost the legal losses substantially. Macquarie Research has estimated that banks collectively face legal liability of $176 billion. Banks have yet to reserve significantly against these losses, but those reserve hikes are coming. It's just a matter of when.

For more:
- here's the article

Related articles:
HSBC's legal liability set to soar
Libor litigation exploding

Read more about: LIBOR
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This week's sponsor is Kaseya.

Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments
It's no secret that responsibilities are growing while budgets continue to shrink. Enact these ten IT habits throughout your financial institution to help you cut costs, create operational efficiencies and align IT to business goals. Download Today!

2. Bank of America employee moons boss, sues

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

At most companies, mooning your boss would be grounds for immediate dismissal. At Bank of America, the issue got a little complex in the case of Jason Selch, who brought in a fair amount of business at the bank's Columbia Management unit.

In 2005, he stormed into a conference room where his superiors were meeting, dropped his trousers, and mooned the entire room. This was meant to be a protest of compensation policies and the fact that a colleague was quitting rather than accepting lower pay. He had the foresight, according to Courthouse News, to first ask if the was a non-compete agreement in play. He was told there was not, so he then proceeded to his mooning.

Incredulously, Selch was not initially fired but rather was given a formal reprimand in the form of a letter from HR. But when another, higher-up executive found out about the incident, he insisted that Selch be fired, even though some of the mooned executives fought for him to be retained.

The ultimate firing of Selch prompted him to sue in state court, defending the right of mooners everywhere. He charged that the actual firing was an abrogation of the warning letter he received and that his mooning was not sufficient cause of termination. Unfortunately for him, a state judge just ruled against him, calling his actions "disruptive, unruly and abusive" and possibly "obscene."

He also scoffed at the idea that the warning letter was a binding contract of any kind.

For more:
- here's the article
- here's CNBC's take




Read more about: workplace
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3. JPMorgan defends copper ETF plans

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Back in 2010, JPMorgan was accused of trying to corner the copper market.

It was reported that the bank's commodity traders had amassed a huge amount of copper -- up to 50-80 percent of the inventory -- in reserves. The reason had to do with the then imminent launch of its copper commodity physically backed exchange traded fund. That led to an outcry by other firms and politicians.

JPMorgan still has not launched its cooper ETF, though it has not given up on its plans. It has issued a response to critics, arguing that, according to the Financial Times, "the new copper ETF would have no untoward effects on the global economy. More surprisingly, it says that physical metal ETFs have no impact on prices at all. Seriously? JPMorgan 'does not believe that [exchange-traded vehicles] have a significant impact on price,' it says in a submission to the Securities and Exchange Commission, adding that the bank believes physical metal ETFs 'track rather than drive the price of metals.'"

That would appear to be a rather naïve view.  Most would agree that ETF activity can really drive prices.

"Indeed, JPMorgan's defence appears to contradict its previous published views, in which it has pointed to changes in ETF holdings as a major driver of prices. In November 2010, for example, the bank said that it was somewhat bullish about silver, as 'ETF and Chinese demand could drive spot prices' higher."

Physically backed metals ETFs have been controversial across the board, especially when it comes to gold and aluminum. The issue is certainly heating up in the U.S., as more critics stoke fears of what might happen to prices.

For more:
- here's the FT article
- here's some background

Related article:
JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs ensnared in warehouse wars


Read more about: ETFs, Copper ETF
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4. Bankers revolt at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

I noted recently that several dozen Morgan Stanley Smith Barney advisors, all of whom appear to be of the rainmaker variety, were considering leaving the firm.

They said that "widespread technology problems have made it very difficult for them to do their jobs," and they had gone so far as to hire a lawyer to help them hang onto various retention awards even if they eventually quit.

One obvious issue here is whether this dramatic action reflected a more profound uprising within the ranks of MSSB, which will at some point become a wholly owned unit of Morgan Stanley. FOX Business reports that Morgan Stanley's wealth management chief, Greg Fleming, has just concluded a seven-city tour of the firm's brokerage offices. It was an attempt to quell irate brokers that feel the company's new technology system is so glitch-ridden that they cannot even use it to add new customers.

Apparently, the old system has been deemed preferable by the unhappy brokers. Management hopes that this isn't the final straw that will prompt an exodus. The company has pledged to fix the system, but it says some fixes will take time. It also told the network that it has not seen a change in advisor attrition.

Still, buggy code can really be a pain. Perhaps the company erred in rolling out the new system before it was ready.

For more:
- here's the article

Read more about: Morgan Stanley, brokers
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5. Jefferies bullish on Facebook

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

In the wake of its botched IPO, the news about Facebook has been unrelentingly negative.

There's been a lot of talk about government investigations, the most culpable parties, the massive sales by insiders, the Nasdaq's botched response, expiring locks ups and so on. The stock has languished the entire time, so it's almost refreshing to hear some unabashed bullishness.

Deal Journal notes that Jefferies analysts Brian Pitz and Brian Fitzgerald, who just joined the bank from UBS, "have launched coverage on the stock with a buy rating and a $30 price target."

The company went public at $38 a share. The analysts' note "gushes" with praise.

"With a potent mix of unprecedented scale, high engagement, and social + behavioral targeting, we think Facebook is must-buy media for marketers as they follow users online," Jefferies writes.

"Lockup pressure looks inevitable through Dec. But expansion into other business areas also looks inevitable, and at the current price investors effectively receive this optionality for free."

Jefferies "also says it thinks Facebook can expand its advertising network and learn to target ads based on a user's location. The analysts also think the company can improve its search function and market share."

Jefferies was not an underwriter of the botched deal. All in all, it's hard to see the stock nearly doubling anytime soon. But as analysts aiming to make a splash for their new firm, they had to be bold.

For more:
- here's the article

Related articles:
Jefferies is highest paying investment bank
Pensions face big losses on Facebook
Columnist blames Facebook CFO for IPO

Read more about: Stock Research, Equity Analysts
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is Dow Jones.

Join private equity's most powerful investors and dealmakers at the industry's premier conference.

SPOTLIGHT ON... Bank lobbyists to extend outreach via PAC

Bank lobbyists have been in overdrive for the past few years. Dodd-Frank has proven to be a financial boon on an unprecedented scale. Will they now take their fight to the political realm? The American Bankers Association is pondering a move to form a PAC that would be able to take unlimited donations and spend freely to support candidates. The goal would likely be to buttress its anti Dodd-Frank activities. Article

Company News: 
> AIG sells AIA stake. Article
> Citigroup hires commodities head. Article
> Nasdaq UK derivative market to offer German Bund. Article
> Barclays still under pressure to reform. Article
> New Barclays CEO accountable for Libor mess. Article
Industry News:
> Private equity firms eye select-service hotels. Article
> Banks boost short sales. Article
> Dubious stock trading firm runs into problems. Article
> Lobbyists ponder big next step. Article
> Big banks still face credit crunch. Article
Regulatory News:
> Congress to look at Whale Trade. Article
> A look at ECB easing. Article

And Finally…Here come the iPad killers. Article


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> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices- September 12, 2pm ET/ 11am PT

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. While many banks have awoken to the risks imposed by possible network breaches, the landscape continues to morph, raising the stakes. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. The very notion of Best Practices in the realm of network management and security continues to evolve. We take a look at current trends and up-to-date practices. Register today!


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* General ad info: Click here.

> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012

This conference provides a unique environment for developing dialogue between plan sponsors, managers and consultants. This event will feature panel-driven discussions focused on specific investment techniques of fixed income and hedge fund managers, the evolving role of institutional consultants, the manager evaluation process and more. Register today.

> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London

Come and join MasterCard, Renfe, Deutsche Bahn, Visa Europe, Orange, Arriva Netherlands, O2 and many more for the first event to bring together the whole NFC Ticketing industry for discussion, debate and quality networking. Click here.

> Investment Trends Summit - September 12-14, 2012 - Santa Barbara, CA

Opal Financial Group's Investment Trends Summit will serve as an educational forum focused on analyzing trends for the future, as well as exploring ways to implement new strategies in particular investment plans. As one of our Platinum Series Events, we have designed this investment trends conference to meet the needs of money managers, senior pension fund officers and trustees who prefer smaller, more structured programs. By limiting this event to select managers, participants will be able to more carefully examine a distinct set of topics specifically tailored to their interests.

> NYIF Core Skills Analyst Program - October22 - November16 - New York, NY

Bringing together core finance concepts and theories, this program is a challenging and rewarding experience for entry-level analysts, finance and investment professionals seeking to enhance their skill set. Real-life case studies supplement the hands-on learning experience, providing a wealth of practical knowledge to take back to the workplace. The program provides four weeks of intensive training in accounting (optional), corporate finance, credit risk and financial modeling. Register today.

> NYIF Wealth Management Program - October 29- November 16 - St. Petersburg/Tampa FL

The 3-week Program captures the best practices and insights from corporate thought leaders and wealth management firms. This modular suite of classes is designed to prepare client-facing professionals with the knowledge and skills to meet and add value to wealthy individuals and families. The Program explores the following topics: Global Economic Impact on Wealth, Consultative Discussions and Recommendations, Asset Allocation and Portfolio Optimization, Lending and Leverage, Tax and Intergenerational Planning, and Maintaining Good Relationships with Investment Clients. Register today.

> Mobile Wallet Summit Europe - November 28-29 - London

The Mobile Wallet Summit is the only show that looks at the future of mobile transactions. It brings together every industry you find in your physical wallet, loyalty, identity, ticketing and payments and provides a forum for debate on how they will fit on your mobile.


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Mercury Magazines offers top Finance titles for Free to professionals. No Credit Card Required. Stay Ahead in your Industry. Sign up now.

> Whitepaper: Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments

It's no secret that responsibilities are growing while budgets continue to shrink. Enact these ten IT habits throughout your financial institution to help you cut costs, create operational efficiencies and align IT to business goals. Download Today!

> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. While many banks have awoken to the risks imposed by possible network breaches, the landscape continues to morph, raising the stakes. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. The very notion of Best Practices in the realm of network management and security continues to evolve. We take a look at current trends and up-to-date practices. Register today!

> Research: Become a Certified GRC Professional

GRC Fundamentals On Demand Education gives you the knowledge you need to build your GRC credentials. Learn at your own pace with short on-demand courses. Learn more.

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