Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

| 08.09.12 | Finra censures Wedbush Securities founder

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August 9, 2012
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This week's sponsor is Progress Software.

Webinar: Controls for Automated Trading: Is it enough to rely on the Sell Side?
Wednesday, August 29th, 11 am ET / 8 am PT

What is the incentive for the buy-side to invest in in-house pre-trade controls versus relying solely on the broker? Why would the buy-side willingly introduce additional latency when doing nothing is clearly the lowest latency option? What is an appropriate level of control? Find out and Register Today!

Today's Top Stories
1. Bank of America, other banks might face SCRA charges
2. Standard Chartered fallout may hit U.S. banks
3. Wells Fargo hit by higher costs of mortgage settlement
4. Judge criticizes, then approves Morgan Stanley settlement
5. Finra censures Wedbush Securities founder

Also Noted: Kaseya
Spotlight On... Was that really Sandy Weill?
Forex hits Carlyle and much more...

News From the Fierce Network:
1. Knight Capital incident leads to new rules
2. Feds stunned by Standard Chartered charges
3. Bank of America launches chip cards

This week's sponsor is Kaseya.

Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices
Wednesday, September 12th, 2pm ET / 11am PT

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. Register today.

Sponsor: Opal Finance


> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012
> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London
> NYIF Core Skills Analyst Program - October 22- November 16 - New York, NY
> NFC Payments USA Unites NFC Experts in Boston Once Again - October 29-30 - Boston, MA
> Investment Trends Summit - September 12-14, 2012 - The Four Seasons, The Biltmore - Santa Barbara, CA
> The Mobile Wallet Summit - November 28-29 - London
> NYIF Essentials of Project and Infrastructure Finance - September 10-12 - New York, NY


> Get Subscriptions to the Leading Finance Magazines for FREE
> Whitepaper: Using Modern CRM to Attract and Retain Advisors and Clients
> Whitepaper: Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments
> Webinar: Controls for Automated Trading: Is it enough to rely on the Sell Side?
> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices

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Today's Top News

1. Bank of America, other banks might face SCRA charges

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Last month, the Department of Justice and Capital One settled charges that the bank had violated the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), which protects active duty service members from foreclosure, eviction and other activity that might result from financial hardship while serving their country.

The bank agreed to pay $12 million to service members. The DOJ said at the time it had identified at least 4,000 victims in the Capital One case and that they expect that number to rise. That raises an obvious questions: Are other banks in line to face similar charges?

One would think that other banks are vulnerable, especially now that the CFPB has signaled its intent to look into these issues. A GAO report recently found that banks illegally foreclosed on more than 300 active military members in recent years. I would not be surprised if settlements were soon announced with a host of other banks. 

The Huffington Post notes the case of one veteran of the war in Afghanistan who has recently alleged that Bank of America "began the trying to collect outstanding debts on his home and dinged his credit score during a period in which he was covered by SCRA. The vet's lawyer said that "others have come forward with similar stories since he filed class-action lawsuit in July," though he has yet to determine exactly how big the class will be.

 "Quite honestly I expect it to be a pretty large number of people," the lawyer was quoted.

For more:
- here's the article



Read more about: Bank of America, SCRA
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This week's sponsor is Opal Finance.

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2. Standard Chartered fallout may hit U.S. banks

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The New York State Department of Finance has accused Standard Chartered of conducting $250 billion in prohibited deals with Iranian banks over seven years, illicitly earning hundreds of millions of dollars in the process.

The department said the bank worked to conduct secret transactions, about 60,000 of them, on behalf of Iranian banks, which are subject to U.S. economic sanctions. The department called Standard Chartered a "rogue institution" and ordered it "explain these apparent violations of law" from 2001 to 2010.

According to the BBC, the department has uncovered incidents of falsified payment directions achieved by "stripping the message of unwanted data that showed the clients were Iranian, replacing it with false entries."

The bank has said it has done nothing wrong. Deloitte has also been implicated in these alleged crimes. The department says it had "intentionally omitted critical information" in a report. Deloitte responded by saying it "performed its role as independent consultant properly and had no knowledge of any alleged misconduct by bank employees. Allegations otherwise are unsupported by the facts."

While not active in U.S. banking, Standard Chartered is an agent bank for U.S. custody banks, providing "important access to central securities depositories in mainland Asia and Africa," notes Reuters.

Bernstein Research analyst Brad Hintz in a research note said U.S. custody banks rely on extensive sub-custodian networks to pass on economies of scale and scope to big institutional clients.

"If a sub-custodian were to be found guilty of an internal conspiracy to hide prohibited transactions from U.S. regulators, U.S. global custodial banks exposed to that sub-custodian may fall under increased scrutiny from their fiduciary clients," Hintz wrote.

"Among the more severe consequences, exposure to Standard Chartered could result in reputational damage and potentially negatively impact the ability of a U.S. global custodian to win new mandates from public funds and other fiduciary clients."

For more:
- here's the BBC article
- here's the Reuters article

Related articles:
Feds stunned Standard Chartered charges

Read more about: Iran, Standard Chartered
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3. Wells Fargo hit by higher costs of mortgage settlement

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Wells Fargo says the costs of the much-ballyhooed $25 billion mortgage settlement signed in February by the big five mortgage companies will end up costing it more than it originally anticipated, according to a report by Bloomberg Businessweek.

According to a filing, the settlement may cut annual interest income by as much $215 million, compared with an estimate of $100 million filed three months ago. The fair value of loans involved may be reduced by as much $1.7 billion, compared with a $700 million reduction previously forecast. As many as 40,000 borrowers, collectively owing $8 billion in unpaid principal, may end up refinancing their debts under the program, compared with an estimate of 20,000 borrowers and $4 billion three months ago.

Such dynamics are likely to play out at the other signatories to the deal that ended a historic 16-month investigation of abusive foreclosure practices. It highlights the trend toward more customers than previously expected signing up for relief provided by the settlement. Bank of America has indicated in filings that its annual interest income will be reduced by about $130 million, with as many as 25,000 loans with unpaid principal of $6.8 billion in the mix.

While these modifications proceed, the top banks face pressure from mortgage investors, public and private, to buyback mortgage loans. With the big GSEs opting not to reduce principal and instead seek putbacks and with private litigants pressing similar cases, the position of the banks continues to look more precarious. 

For more:
- here's the article

Related articles:
Settlement on bank interchange fees contested
Wells Fargo settles mortgage bias case


Read more about: Foreclosures, Wells Fargo
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4. Judge criticizes, then approves Morgan Stanley settlement

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

A federal district judge has approved a $4.8 million settlement between Morgan Stanley and the prosecutors that settles accusations that the bank used deritavites to help clients violate federal antitrust laws.

But ruling Judge William H Pauley III, of Federal District Court in Manhattan, seemed unwhelmed in approving the settlement.

"Given the government's stark allegations of manipulative conduct against Morgan Stanley, disgorgement of $4.8 million is a relatively mild sanction. There is a risk that a large financial services firm like Morgan Stanley could view such a modest penalty as merely the cost of doing business," he wrote in his decision.

This opinion echoes what has become a familiar refrain in settlements between banks and prosecutors. The case against Morgan Stanley "was the first attempt by the Justice Department to penalize a bank accused of using derivatives to help clients violate federal antitrust laws. Morgan Stanley, the government said, aided the efforts of KeySpan Corporation, a major utility company in New York, to manipulate electricity prices. In 2006, the bank entered into a complex swap agreement with KeySpan that gave the company a stake in the profits of its competitor, Astoria Generating Company Acquisitions. Morgan Stanley also represented Astoria in the transaction. The government said that the deal allowed KeySpan to push up the price of electricity in New York, costing consumers about $300 million."

But if Pauley was so concerned about such lenient treatment, why did he approve it? It would appear he was influenced to some degree by the harsh treatment an appellate court doled out to Judge Jed Rakoff, who had the temerity to reject an SEC-Citigroup settlement for similar reasons.

It would have been interesting to see how the same appellate court reacted this time around. As of now, settlements would indeed appear to be a mere cost of doing business.

For more:
- here's the answer


Read more about: Judge, Morgan Stanley
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5. Finra censures Wedbush Securities founder

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Finra this week slammed Wedbush Securities, the sixth largest clearing firm, with a $300,000 fine and suspended the company's President and CEO for 31 days.

It's rare for Finra to directly target financial executives, but the SRO's anger with company President and CEO Edward Wedbush, who also recieved a personal fine of $25,000, was palpable.

The decision, as noted by Financial-Planning,  was "a culmination of a range of offenses, inquiries and disciplinary actions dating back over a decade to February of 2002. The complaint charges Wedbush with three violations relating to the firm's failure to file reports on employment registration of registered representatives, customer complaints, and statistical reports in a timely and accurate manner; and in some cases failure to file them at all. A fourth violation accused the firm of inadequate supervision, and a fifth named Edward Wedbush specifically, alleging that he failed to fulfill his duties as president and supervise registration filings from August 2006  until July 2010."

Finra noted that the firm has been repeatedly warned about its lapses, but still failed to remedy the situation.

The decision noted that, "Mr. Wedbush knew of the firm's reporting issues," adding that "as president of the firm, Mr. Wedbush should have taken more steps to ensure that the firm addressed its problems, but he did not…"

This is certainly embarrassing for the firm, which is in dire need of a compliance officer. You have to wonder about management given these sort of lapses. The board has to move aggressively now, as employees and customers undoubtedly begin to reassess their relationships with the company, which touts its "unparalleled dedication to your financial success."    

For more:
- here's the article

Read more about: Wedbush Securities, FINRA
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is Kaseya.

Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments
It's no secret that responsibilities are growing while budgets continue to shrink. Enact these ten IT habits throughout your financial institution to help you cut costs, create operational efficiencies and align IT to business goals. Download Today!

SPOTLIGHT ON... Was that really Sandy Weill?

On Bloomberg TV, Ace Greenberg, the beloved former CEO and chairman of Bear Stearns, said he didn't think it was really Sandy Weill who came out in favor of bank breakups. Greenberg said, "It was that guy Sacha Barry Cohen, or whatever his name is...Yeah, he was impersonating Sandy. I know Sandy." Regarding bank breakups, he also said:  "That egg has been scrambled, so we can quit talking about it…In my opinion, they're not going to [break up big banks] here because it's gone too far. I think this is a huge country, we need big banks, we need banks that can make huge loans and I'm proud to be associated with a bank that can make the biggest loans in the world and they do. And that's great for the country and I think it's necessary to have banks that are that big." Article

Company News:
> Forex hits Carlyle. Article
> Fannie avoids U.S. aid in second quarter. Article
> Fannie may block eminent domain seizures. Article
> Meredith Whitney's bank favorite. Article
> Fitch ponders rental securitizations. Article
> Knight's Joyce optimistic with clients. Article
Industry News:
> Big options losses for retail issue. Article
> Housing market finding a bottom? Article
Regulatory News:
> BOE chides New York state regulators. Article
> "High handedness" in New York? Article

And Finally…Will you retire in poverty? Article


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> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012

This conference provides a unique environment for developing dialogue between plan sponsors, managers and consultants. This event will feature panel-driven discussions focused on specific investment techniques of fixed income and hedge fund managers, the evolving role of institutional consultants, the manager evaluation process and more. Register today.

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Come and join MasterCard, Renfe, Deutsche Bahn, Visa Europe, Orange, Arriva Netherlands, O2 and many more for the first event to bring together the whole NFC Ticketing industry for discussion, debate and quality networking. Click here.

> NYIF Core Skills Analyst Program - October 22- November 16 - New York, NY

Bringing together core finance concepts and theories, this program is a challenging and rewarding experience for entry-level analysts, finance and investment professionals seeking to enhance their skill set. Real-life case studies supplement the hands-on learning experience, providing a wealth of practical knowledge to take back to the workplace. The program provides four weeks of intensive training in accounting (optional), corporate finance, credit risk and financial modeling. Register today.

> NFC Payments USA Unites NFC Experts in Boston Once Again - October 29-30 - Boston, MA

NFC Payments USA (Oct 29-30th)is back for its second year, hosting 150 senior level delegates to debate industry challenges and facilitate the roll out of NFC payments. Speakers include Best Buy, PayPal, Verizon, Barclaycard, T-Mobile, Best Buy, VISA, Capital One, MasterCard. Click here for more information.

> Investment Trends Summit - September 12-14, 2012 - The Four Seasons, The Biltmore - Santa Barbara, CA

The Investment Trends Summit is an educational forum focused on analyzing trends for the future, and exploring ways to implement new strategies in investment plans. Speakers and attendees will discuss topics such as investor's perspectives, investment management theories, and more. Register Today!

> The Mobile Wallet Summit - November 28-29 - London

The Mobile Wallet Summit is the only show that looks at the future of mobile transactions. It brings together every industry you find in your physical wallet, loyalty, identity, ticketing and payments and provides a forum for debate on how they will fit on your mobile.

> NYIF Essentials of Project and Infrastructure Finance - September 10-12 - New York, NY

This is a practical course that provides executives, whether as financiers, sponsors, or professional support, an opportunity to understand the risk-return character of limited recourse projects from multiple perspectives. Case studies span a variety of sectors and geographical regions. This course will not use in-depth models involving Excel™, but the instructor (a broad-based finance and investment executive with global experience throughout the U.S., Europe and the emerging markets of Latin America and Asia who has negotiated numerous transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, mezzanine financings, international bank syndications, corporate valuations and fairness opinions) will review modeling approaches with examples. Register today.


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> Whitepaper: Ten Effective Habits of Indispensable IT Departments

It's no secret that responsibilities are growing while budgets continue to shrink. Enact these ten IT habits throughout your financial institution to help you cut costs, create operational efficiencies and align IT to business goals. Download Today!

> Webinar: Controls for Automated Trading: Is it enough to rely on the Sell Side?

What is the incentive for the buy-side to invest in in-house pre-trade controls versus relying solely on the broker? Why would the buy-side willingly introduce additional latency when doing nothing is clearly the lowest latency option? What is an appropriate level of control? Find out and register today!

> Webinar: Network Security: Emerging threats require updated Best Practices

The security picture at financial services seems to be getting cloudier by the day. While many banks have awoken to the risks imposed by possible network breaches, the landscape continues to morph, raising the stakes. Cyber criminals continue to refine their techniques and to develop more advance hacking methods to compromise corporate networks, and they are as sophisticated as ever. The very notion of Best Practices in the realm of network management and security continues to evolve. We take a look at current trends and up-to-date practices. Register today!

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