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Friday, November 2, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: White House worth more today than four years ago

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Personal Finance Daily
NOVEMBER 02, 2012

Friday's Personal Finance Stories

By MarketWatch

Personal Finance Daily
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Don't miss these top stories:

As Election Day approaches, you may be wondering if you're better off than you were four years ago. The value of the White House certainly is. Its value is currently $284.9 million, an increase of 1.5% compared with October 2008, according to one estimate. Read more about the value of the White House in today's Home Economics column.

Plus, learn about Amazon's anti-Apple ad and why it backfired, and get MarketWatch analysis of the jobs report in today's Personal Finance pages.

Amy Hoak , assistant editor

Value of White House up from four years ago

The current value of the White House is $284.9 million, an increase of 1.5% from the $280.8 million it was valued at in October 2008, according to the real-estate website Zillow.
Value of White House up from four years ago.

A 12-step plan for your Sandy insurance claim

Some consumers will be shocked to learn that superstorm Sandy devastated not only cities, coastal areas and transit systems — but their pocketbooks, too.
A 12-step plan for your Sandy insurance claim.

Amazon's anti-Apple ad backfires

Negative ads seem to work better on voters than consumers. Earlier this week, Amazon released – then pulled – an ad on its home page that portrayed Apple's new iPad mini as vastly inferior to its own Kindle Fire HD.
Amazon's anti-Apple ad backfires.

Families unite to play real-estate market

A growing player in the real-estate market is the so-called family office, in which an ultra-high-net-worth family joins with another wealthy family to buy investment property.
Families unite to play real-estate market.

Jobs that make you sick

Slide show: New data reveals which occupations most often lead to injury and illness.
Jobs that make you sick.

Profit from a closet cleanout

Deal of the Day: New sites let shoppers hawk clothes for cash.
Profit from a closet cleanout

$190 bottles of beer on the wall

How much would you pay for a cold one, that's best served at room temp?
$190 bottles of beer on the wall.


U.S. adds 171,000 jobs as hiring picks up

The U.S. created a better-than-expected 171,000 jobs in October and hiring rose faster in the prior two months that previously believed, but the politically sensitive unemployment rate edged up slightly to 7.9% just four days before the presidential election.
U.S. adds 171,000 jobs as hiring picks up.

'Definitely improving' jobs data: reaction roundup

Roundup of reaction to news showing the unemployment rate was 7.9% in October.
'Definitely improving' jobs data: reaction roundup.

Breaking down the jobs report with charts

See the charts on the data the Labor Department has unleashed on the jobs picture.
Breaking down the jobs report with charts.

How Republicans would change the Senate

How three key committees — Banking, Commerce and Finance — would change if Republicans gain control of the Senate in Tuesday's elections.
How Republicans would change the Senate.

Obama hits numbers: Jobless below 8%, gas below $4

It looks as if Obama will hit all his key numbers: Jobless below 8%, gas below $4, electoral votes above 270.
Obama hits numbers: Jobless below 8%, gas below $4.

Bloomberg's misguided endorsement of Obama

Common sense became another casualty of Sandy when New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsement of President Obama because of the president's views on climate change,. writes columnist Diana Furchgott-Roth.
Bloomberg's misguided endorsement of Obama.

Media dilemma: How to cover Sandy, Barack and Mitt

Hurricane Sandy storm has changed the tenor of the media's coverage of the presidential election during the campaign's last, climactic week, writes media columnist Jon Friedman.
Media dilemma: How to cover Sandy, Barack and Mitt.


Investing a lump sum of money in stocks pays off

Vanguard Group challenges an investment technique financial advisers have used for decades, and many financial planners are taken aback. But individual investors who have a lump sum to allocate have good reason to question dollar-cost averaging, writes Ian Salisbury.
Investing a lump sum of money in stocks pays off.

After Sandy, time is worth more than money

Columnist Chuck Jaffe writes about an encounter with a mutual-fund manager whose surprising attitude and outlook in the wake of superstorm Sandy holds two great lessons for individuals, regardless of whether you're a trader or a long-term shareholder.
After Sandy, time is worth more than money.

Halloween Indicator kicks in on schedule

Mark Hulbert notes that if you got back into stocks at the close Wednesday, which is when the much-vaunted Halloween Indicator calls for becoming fully invested again, you sidestepped a Dow decline and participated in Thursday's triple-digit Dow gain.
Halloween Indicator kicks in on schedule.

What are the world's riskiest climates?

Impact investors need to know if their money is at risk of being lost to disasters related to climate change.
What are the world's riskiest climates?

Stop obsessing over the fiscal cliff

All this brouhaha over the fiscal cliff is just noise that investors can safely ignore, writes columnist Howard Gold.
Stop obsessing over the fiscal cliff.

6 ways billionaires try to play God on climate

Yes, billionaires are playing God. They're backing new geoengineering investments scarier plots than new weapons in James Bond's "Skyfall."
6 ways billionaires try to play God on climate.

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