Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, November 2, 2012

FinNews for November 2, 2012

FinNews for November 2, 2012

Top Stories

Hurricane Sandy came ashore late Monday, causing widespread damage, flooding parts of the Northeast and crippling New York and New Jersey. (1) The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq planned to open for business on Wednesday, following two days of closure due to the storm. (2) The final employment report ahead of the presidential election revealed better job growth than predicted despite the unemployment rate being up 0.1 percent to 7.9 percent. (3)

Economic Releases & Statistics

Personal spending was up in September, rising 0.8 percent month-on-month and double the 0.4 percent gain seen in personal income. (4) Factory orders were up 4.8 percent in September according to the latest from the Commerce Department. The month-on-month gain was the largest since March of 2011. (5) Construction spending was up 0.6 percent last month versus an average forecast for a 0.7 percent climb. Overall, spending reached 851.6 billion, the "highest level in almost three years." (6) The Institute for Supply Management's factory index exceeded the average economist forecasts, reaching 51.7 versus estimates for a reading of 51. (7)

Stocks & Earnings

Starbucks' surprised with strong earnings and raised its fiscal 2013 forecasts. Net income was up 0.1 percent to 46 cents per share versus forecasts for 45 cents. (8) Cigna Corp. more than doubled earnings in the third-quarter, but reported a restructuring plan that will cut their global workforce by 4 percent, or 1,300 jobs. (9) Delta says that Hurricane Sandy could trim October profits by about $20 million following the cancellation of more than 3,500 flights. (10)

Global Currencies

The Canadian dollar rebounded from earlier losses as the government reported that the labor market was unchanged and the unemployment rate held at 7.4 percent.  (11) The Swiss National Bank has been buying Canadian dollars up, and now the loonie represents 4 percent of the bank's foreign exchange reserves. (12) The Bank of Japan increased its asset-purchase program after negative industrial output data. The central bank also said that they will, "offer unlimited loans to banks to boost credit demand." (13) Positive housing data in the United Kingdom helped support the British Pound. A report on Thursday showed that house prices dropped less than forecast. (14)

Oil & Energies

According to this week's EIA release, crude supplies were 2 million barrels lower in the week ending October 26. Analysts forecast a build of 2 million barrels. Supplies are 9.9 percent higher than year-ago levels. Gasoline supplies were up 900,000 barrels versus forecasts for a drop of 900,000. Gasoline supplies are 3.3 percent lower year-on-year. Distillates were 100,000 barrels lower versus forecasts for a 1.5 million barrel drop. (15) Tankers carrying fuel started to make their way into New York harbor following Hurricane Sandy closures. Facility damages were causing bottlenecks, but officials hope that fuel shortages and conditions should improve soon. (16)

The Energy Department reported that natural gas output fell 3.4 percent when Hurricane Isaac led to platform and rig evacuations in August. Production declined to 76.6 billion cubic feet from 79.33 in July. (17) Natural gas inventories hit another all-time high as they added 65 billion cubic feet to underground storage to 3.908 trillion cubic feet. (18)

Grains & Field Crops

Reports are suggesting that the early wheat harvest in Australia is resulting in lower protein and poor yields. (19) In the US, government analysts are giving the winter wheat crop a lower than expected condition rating. Only 40 percent of the crop was rated good to excellent versus 46 percent at the same time last year.  (20) Farmers in the US plains are looking for rain and snow this winter to help drought conditions ahead of new crop seasons. (21) The US drought has been good news for Brazil as foreign buyers turned there for corn and ethanol, boosting exports above 3.66 million tons. (22) Rains in Argentina heightened concerns for corn and soybean crops due to planting delays, but experts suggest that the boost to yields from higher soil moisture should offset any losses in planted acreage. (23)

Allenberg Cotton Co. sees cotton stockpiles in China hitting 9 million metric tons, enough to "cover the country's deficit for the next six years." (24)

Precious Metals

A drop in gold prices in India led to a "rush" in purchases as the peak of festival gold demand is reached. (25) Declining platinum prices may have helped India's sales of that precious metal, boosting purchases by as much as 40 percent to according to industry professionals. (26) Downbeat reports from carmakers in Europe and slowing economic growth in China have weighed on palladium prices. (27) Italy lost its top gold jewelry exporter title to India and the US. Sales were down 15 percent to 4.8 metric tons in the second quarter, year-on-year. (28)

Other Commodities

India's coffee exports were down 7 percent to 0.28 million metric tons in the first 10 months of 2012 due to a drop in robusta shipments. (29) European demand for Brazilian coffee beans was reported as strong this week with buyer's looking to cover immediate needs, "buying hand-to-mouth." (30) Liffe-monitored cocoa inventories were down 2.2 percent in the past two weeks to 58,740 metric tons. (31) A tax dispute in Ivory Coast has led to customs officials blocking 72,000 metric tons of cocoa products for export at port. (32) Among the damage and disruptions caused by Hurricane Sandy, the Cuban coffee crop maybe have been "decimated" by the storm. (33)


Date Currency Event GMT Forecast Previous
3-Nov Sat USD USD G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies' Meeting in Mexico      
4-Nov Sun AUD AUD AiG Performance of Service Index 22:30   41.90
AUD AUD TD Securities Inflation (MoM) 23:30 0.20%
AUD AUD TD Securities Inflation (YoY) 23:30 2.40%
USD USD G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers Meet in Mexico
GBP GBP Halifax Plc House Prices s.a. (MoM) -0.40%
GBP GBP Halifax House Price (3MoY) -1.20%
GBP GBP Lloyds Employment Confidence 00:01 -49.00
AUD AUD Trade Balance (Australian dollar) 00:30 -2027M
AUD AUD Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) 00:30 0.20%
AUD AUD Retail Sales Ex Inflation(QoQ) 00:30 1.40%
AUD AUD ANZ Job Advertisements (MoM) 00:30 -2.80%
CNY CNY HSBC Services PMI 01:45 54.30
5-Nov Mon GBP GBP Purchasing Manager Index Services 09:30   52.20
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Sentix Investor Confidence 09:30 -22.20
GBP GBP Official Reserves (Changes) 09:30 $1899M
CAD CAD Building Permits (MoM) 13:30 7.90%
USD USD ISM Non-Manufacutring Composite 15:00 55.10
NZD NZD Private Wages ex Overtime (QoQ) 21:45 0.50%
NZD NZD Labor Cost Private Sector (QoQ) 21:45 0.50%
NZD NZD Average Hourly Earnings (QoQ) 21:45 0.20%
GBP GBP BRC Sales Like-For-Like YoY 00:01 1.50%
AUD AUD House Price Index (QoQ) 00:30 0.50%
AUD AUD House Price Index (YoY) 00:30 -2.10%
AUD AUD Reserve Bank of Australia Rate Decision 03:30 3.00% 3.25%
6-Nov Tue JPY JPY Coincident Index 05:00   93.50
JPY JPY Leading Index 05:00 93.20
CHF CHF SECO Consumer Confidence 06:45 -17.00
EUR EUR Italian Purchasing Manager Index Services 08:45 44.50
EUR EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Services 08:50 46.20
EUR EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Services 08:55 49.30
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Composite 09:00 45.80
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Services 09:00 46.20
GBP GBP Industrial Production (MoM) 09:30 -0.50%
GBP GBP Industrial Production (YoY) 09:30 -1.20%
GBP GBP Manufacturing Production (MoM) 09:30 -1.10%
GBP GBP Manufacturing Production (YoY) 09:30 -1.20%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Producer Price Index (MoM) 10:00 0.90%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Producer Price Index (YoY) 10:00 2.70%
EUR EUR German Factory Orders s.a. (MoM) 11:00 -1.30%
EUR EUR German Factory Orders n.s.a. (YoY) 11:00 -4.80%
CAD CAD Ivey Purchasing Managers Index SA 15:00 60.40
USD USD JOLTs Job Openings 15:00 3561.00
GBP GBP NIESR Gross Domestic Product Estimate 15:00 0.80%
AUD AUD AiG Performance of Construction Index 22:30 30.90
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (MoM) 1.30%
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (YoY) 4.20%
GBP GBP BRC Shop Price Index YoY 00:01 1.00%
7-Nov Wed AUD AUD Foreign Reserves (Australian dollar) 05:30   A$44.9B
CHF CHF Foreign Currency Reserves 08:00 429.3B
CHF CHF Consumer Price Index (MoM) 08:15 0.30%
CHF CHF CPI - EU Harmonised (YoY) 08:15 -0.30%
CHF CHF Consumer Price Index (YoY) 08:15 -0.40%
CHF CHF CPI - EU Harmonised (MoM) 08:15 0.70%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Retail Sales (MoM) 10:00 0.10%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Retail Sales (YoY) 10:00 -1.30%
EUR EUR German Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) 11:00 -0.50%
EUR EUR German Industrial Production n.s.a. and w.d.a. (YoY) 11:00 -1.40%
USD USD MBA Mortgage Applications 12:00
USD USD Consumer Credit 20:00 $18.123B
NZD NZD Unemployment Rate 21:45 6.80%
NZD NZD Employment Change (QoQ) 21:45 -0.10%
NZD NZD Employment Change (YoY) 21:45 0.60%
NZD NZD Participation Rate (QoQ) 21:45 68.40%
NZD NZD QV House Prices (YoY) 23:00 5.30%
JPY JPY Machine Orders (MoM) 23:50 -3.30%
JPY JPY Machine Orders (YoY) 23:50 -6.10%
JPY JPY Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥454.7B
JPY JPY Adjusted Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥722.3B
JPY JPY Trade Balance - BOP Basis (Yen) 23:50 -¥644.5B
JPY JPY Current Account Balance YOY% 23:50 4.20%
JPY JPY Bank Lending Banks ex-Trust 23:50 1.20%
JPY JPY Bank Lending incl Trusts (YoY) 23:50
NZD NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence Index 00:00 110.50
NZD NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence MoM 00:00 -1.30%
JPY JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Current 41.20
JPY JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook 43.50
AUD AUD Employment Change 00:30 14.5K
AUD AUD Unemployment Rate 00:30 5.40%
AUD AUD Full Time Employment Change 00:30 32.1K
AUD AUD Part Time Employment Change 00:30 -17.7K
AUD AUD Participation Rate 00:30 65.20%
JPY JPY Bankruptcies (YoY) 04:30 -7.00%
8-Nov Thu CHF CHF Unemployment Rate 06:45   2.80%
CHF CHF Unemployment Rate s.a. 06:45 2.90%
EUR EUR German Exports s.a. (MoM) 07:00 2.50%
EUR EUR German Imports s.a. (MoM) 07:00 0.40%
EUR EUR German Current Account (euros) 07:00 11.1B
EUR EUR German Trade Balance (euros) 07:00 16.3B
GBP GBP Visible Trade Balance (Pounds) 09:30 -£9844
GBP GBP Trade Balance Non EU (Pounds) 09:30 -£4972
GBP GBP Total Trade Balance (Pounds) 09:30 -£4169
GBP GBP BOE Asset Purchase Target 12:00 375B
GBP GBP Bank of England Rate Decision 12:00 0.50% 0.50%
EUR ECB Deposit Facility Rate 12:45 0.00%
EUR EUR European Central Bank Rate Decision 12:45 0.80%
CAD CAD Housing Starts 13:15 225.2K
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index YoY 13:30 2.40%
CAD CAD International Merchandise Trade (Canadian dollar) 13:30 -1.06B
USD USD Trade Balance 13:30 -$44.2B
USD USD Initial Jobless Claims 13:30
USD USD Continuing Claims 13:30 3254K
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (MoM) 13:30 0.20%
NZD NZD NZ Card Spending - Retail MoM 21:45 -0.60%
NZD NZD NZ Card Spending (MoM) 21:45 -0.60%
JPY JPY Japan Money Stock M3 (YoY) 23:50 2.00%
JPY JPY Japan Money Stock M2+CD (YoY) 23:50 2.40%
USD USD Fed's Bullard Speaks on Economy in St. Louis 01:00
CNY CNY Producer Price Index (YoY) 01:30 -3.60%
CNY CNY Consumer Price Index (YoY) 01:30 1.90%
9-Nov Fri JPY JPY Consumer Confidence 05:00   40.10
CNY CNY Industrial Production (YoY) 05:30 9.20%
CNY CNY Industrial Production YTD YoY 05:30 10.00%
CNY CNY Retail Sales (YoY) 05:30 14.20%
CNY CNY Retail Sales YTD YoY 05:30 14.10%
CNY CNY Fixed Assets Inv Excl. Rural YTD YoY 05:30 20.50%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) 07:00
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) 07:00
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) 07:00
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) 07:00
USD USD Import Price Index (MoM) 13:30 1.10%
USD USD Import Price Index (YoY) 13:30 -0.60%
USD USD U. of Michigan Confidence 14:55
USD USD Wholesale Inventories 15:00 0.50%

1. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/30/us-storm-sandy-hurricane-idUSBRE89N16J20121030

2. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/10/30/after-hurricane-sandy-stock-exchanges-prepare-to-open/

3. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2012/11/02/oct-jobs-report/1675225/
4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2012/10/29/personal-income-spending-september/1665455/
5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/us-factory-orders-jump-48-percent-in-september-but-business-investment-remains-weak/
6. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-01/construction-spending-in-u-s-climbs-to-highest-level-since-2009.html
7. http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/ISM-Index-of-U-S-Manufacturing-Increased-to-51-7-4000218.php
8. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-11-01/business/chi-starbucks-earnings-beat-estimates-20121101_1_verismo-starbucks-president-evolution-fresh-juices
9. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20121101-715770.html
10. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/uk-delta-traffic-idUSLNE8A101W20121102
11. http://stream.marketwatch.com/story/markets/SS-4-4/SS-4-15701/
12. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/top-business-stories/swiss-national-bank-loads-up-on-canadian-dollars-adding-to-woes-of-canadian-exporters/article4789429/
13. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-30/boj-eases-for-second-time-in-two-months-as-contraction-looms.html
14. http://www.rttnews.com/1995289/pound-advances-following-u-k-house-prices-index.aspx?type=cm&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=sitemap
15. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-11-01/us-crude-oil-supplies-fell-by-2-million-barrels
16. http://blogs.wsj.com/drivers-seat/2012/11/02/with-tankers-docking-ny-gas-shortages-may-ease-soon/
17. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-02/u-dot-s-dot-august-natural-gas-output-fell-3-dot-4-percent-on-isaac-eia-says
18. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/01/us-energy-eia-natgasrecord-idUSBRE8A010W20121101
19. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/31/australian-wheat-quality-idUSL3E8LV1XM20121031
20. http://online.wsj.com/article/DN-CO-20121101-012582.html
21. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/us-usa-drought-crops-idUSBRE8A112T20121102
22. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/01/us-brazil-commodities-exports-idUSBRE8A01DO20121101
23. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/argentina-corn-soy-prices-up-on-china-flooding-2012-11-01
24. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-02/china-cotton-reserves-seen-enough-to-meet-deficit-for-six-years.html
25. http://www.indianexpress.com/news/india-rushes-to-buy-gold-as-prices-drop/1025804/
26. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/commodities/drop-in-prices-of-platinum-pushes-its-demand-by-40-per-cent/articleshow/17058863.cms
27. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/29/precious-palladium-idUSL5E8LQDBS20121029
28. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/precious-italy-jewellery-idUSL5E8M1ERH20121102
29. http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/coffee-exports-decline-7-to-028-mt-/491506/
30. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/us-markets-europe-coffee-physical-report-idUSBRE8A10XK20121102
31. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-01/cocoa-stockpiles-fell-2-2-in-past-two-weeks-liffe-says.html
32. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/cocoa-ivorycoast-customs-idUKL5E8M29O020121102
33. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/29/hurricane-sandy-cuba_n_2038794.html
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