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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: Inside the world of ballot-box betting

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Personal Finance Daily
NOVEMBER 06, 2012

Tuesday's Personal Finance Stories

By MarketWatch

Personal Finance Daily
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Don't miss these top stories:

Just like the Super Bowl has become a platform for oddball wagers, from who wins the coin toss to what color Gatorade the winning coach will get drenched with, British bookmakers are accepting all sorts of bets pertaining to the U.S. presidential election — from the outcome in individual states to how many Electoral College votes the candidates will receive. Read more in Charles Passy's story today.

Read more Election Day coverage in today's Personal Finance pages, as well, including why Obama beat Romney on Twitter and a column on why the election won't end the debate on taxes. And if you have election fatigue, take a break and read how you can cut legal bills with online advice and about the effect of Hurricane Sandy on charitable giving.

Amy Hoak , assistant editor

Ballot-box betting: the White House always wins

One bookmaker expects to rake in $1.5 million from election-day wagers.
Ballot-box betting: the White House always wins.

Cutting legal bills with online advice

Web-based attorneys have gone mainstream, with pitches aimed at the cost-conscious. And while critics question whether their advice hits the mark, they concede the online model can work in some relatively simple situations.
Cutting legal bills with online advice.

How to invest in collectibles

Stocks? Bonds? Commodities? How about putting your money into something a bit more fun.
How to invest in collectibles.

Sandy's effect on charitable giving

Deal of the Day: Consumers have more ways to give, but not all benefit charities equally.
Sandy's effect on charitable giving.

Twitter votes for Obama

Obama beats Romney on the social media site, a new study shows.
Twitter votes for Obama.


U.S. home prices decline in September

U.S. home prices nationwide showed a decrease in September compared to August, according to an index.
U.S. home prices decline in September.

Romney campaigns, Obama waits for election results

Republican challenger Mitt Romney embarks on a last-ditch campaign trip while President Barack Obama's content to stay in his home state of Illinois as voters head to the ballot box to determine the leader of the free world Tuesday.
Romney campaigns, Obama waits for election results.

Election Day ends long campaign for Obama, Romney

A long, bitter and expensive campaign for president comes to a close Tuesday as U.S. citizens go to the polls. Here is a look at voting across America.
Election Day ends long campaign for Obama, Romney.

How housing put the White House in play

Housing was the bailout that never came. And the White House may be won or lost because of it, writes David Weidner.
How housing put the White House in play.

Election won't end debate on taxes

No matter who wins, it's a safe bet that he'll have to quickly come up with a plan to deal with the so-called fiscal cliff, writes Darrell Delamaide.
Election won't end debate on taxes.

Australia stands pat on rates, dollar jumps

Australia's central bank keeps its cash rate unchanged, citing an uptick in prices, with the decision sending the Australian dollar higher.
Australia stands pat on rates, dollar jumps.


Where to put your money if Obama wins

There are a variety of places that stand to benefit from a second term for the president, but it may not be automatic, as the first few years may be more volatile than investors are prepared for.
Where to put your money if Obama wins.

Outlook is dismal no matter who wins vote

When engaging in financial planning for the next decade or so, there are far more important factors on which you should focus than who wins the presidential election, writes Mark Hulbert.
Outlook is dismal no matter who wins vote.

A 14-part investor survival plan for Election Day

Anxious? Yes. Election Day is going to be an especially long day, for all Americans.
14-part investor survival plan for Election Day.

Sandy has economic silver lining

At first, Hurricane Sandy will be a drag on economic activity, but later it will provide a major lift, writes Irwin Kellner.
Sandy has economic silver lining.

LinkedIn vs. Facebook: Tale of the tape

These two marquee Internet names are in the early stages of a battle that will decide where the majority of businesses will spend their (non-Google) ad and marketing budgets on social networks, writes John Shinal.
LinkedIn vs. Facebook: Tale of the tape.

Gap may be headed for trouble in 2013

This retail emperor has no clothes, writes Margaret Bogenreif.
Gap may be headed for trouble in 2013.

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