Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Strategic Equity Capital - Continued benchmark outperformance

Strategic Equity Capital

Continued benchmark outperformance

  • Strategic Equity Capital, the specialist smaller companies investment trust, published a Q3 interim management statement on 2nd November 2012.
  • This highlighted that SEC had outperformed its benchmark, the FTSE Smaller Companies (Ex Investment Trusts) index, by 1.7 percentage points (pp) - the 11th quarter of outperformance in the last 12 quarters.
  • Its underlying holdings remain attractive with a weighted average p/cashflow and net debt/EBITDA of 8.5x and 0.5x, respectively.
  • SEC also received £3m of distributions from its investment in Strategic Recovery Fund II, which increased the 30th Sept 2012 end cash position to c.13%.
  • Additionally, the 2012 final dividend grew 241% to 1.5p/share.
  • With the shares trading at 93.50p and a NAV of 112.86p, our stance remains buy.

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Table: Financial overview
Year to 30th June
Gross Return on Investments (£000)
Net Return Per Share (p)
NAV / share (p)
Dividend (p)
Yield (%)

Source: GECR and company

Key data
Share Price
52 week high/low
94.50p / 72.00p
Primary exchange
Shares in issue
67.32 m
Market Cap
Equity Investment Instruments
NAV / Share*
Discount to NAV
Dividend Yield
*Unaudited as at 2nd November 2012
Affiliations: None.
Important: All disclaimer information can be found on the last page of the document

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