Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: Where to put your money after Obama's reelection

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Personal Finance Daily
NOVEMBER 07, 2012

Wednesday's Personal Finance Stories

By MarketWatch

Personal Finance Daily
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President Obama's reelection Tuesday night means that sectors that have already benefited from the current administration will keep on rolling. That includes health care, home construction and real estate, mobile communications, financial services, and energy, Jon Markman writes. Read more on where to put your money now that Obama has won — and plenty more on the election — in today's Personal Finance Daily.

Plus, read about seven office gadgets headed for the graveyard, from fax machines to desktop phones, and learn how tablet computers could soon be as a common in the office as legal pads.

Amy Hoak , assistant editor

Where to put your money now that Obama has won

There are a variety of places that stand to benefit from a second term for the president, but it may not be automatic, as the first few years may be more volatile than investors are prepared for.
Where to put your money now that Obama has won.

What Obama's victory means for investors

How a range of industries could fare in the four years ahead.
What Obama's victory means for investors.

Should you buy extra insurance from the boss?

As companies reduce health benefits, workers are purchasing more "voluntary benefits"—even when that coverage has holes.
Should you buy extra insurance from the boss?

7 office gadgets headed for the graveyard

Here are seven things from a list compiled by LinkedIn that you're used to seeing around the office that are rapidly are likely to disappear.
7 office gadgets headed for the graveyard.

4 new whiskey trends for 2013

Here's the brown spirits we were sipping at this year's WhiskyFest in New York.
4 new whiskey trends for 2013.

A possible tax hit for Sandy's victims

Those affected by last week's superstorm may have a tax deduction — or an unexpected gain.
A possible tax hit for Sandy's victims.

Why a split Congress may help muni investors

Experts say it will be tough for the next president — whoever he is — to limit the tax advantages of municipal bonds if Congress remains divided.
Why a split Congress may help muni investors.


Senate Democratic wins may thwart 'grand bargain'

Senate Democrats gained strength in Tuesday's election, and that may mean a fight with the president if he wishes to cut Social Security as part of a "grand bargain" with Republicans in the House, writes Darrell Delamaide.
Senate Democratic wins may thwart 'grand bargain.'

Five things the Republican Party must do

The Republicans aren't seeking my advice, and they aren't likely to take it. But I'll give it anyway, writes Rex Nutting.
Five things the Republican Party must do.

Time for Obama to show leadership on taxes

The president masquerades as a protector of the middle class, writes Diana Furchtgott-Roth. But he is willing to allow their tax rates to rise, potentially sending the economy into a recession, to score political points.
Time for Obama to show leadership on taxes.

Three global tasks for a second-term president

Most second-term presidents accomplish very little before the end of their presidency. In President Obama's case, taking on the global economy and the U.S.'s role in it could provide a setting for new accomplishments.
Three global tasks for a second-term president.

Gephardt warns of 'bad days' for markets

There is some risk that the public could hear some "histrionics" from Democrats and Republicans playing to their bases as Congress works on spending cuts and tax reform, all of which could severely unsettle the markets, said former House Majority Leader Richard "Dick" Gephardt Wednesday.
Gephardt warns of 'bad days' for markets.

Election Day 2012 ends in Obama victory

A long, bitter and expensive campaign for president comes to a close Tuesday as U.S. voters re-elect President Barack Obama.
Election Day 2012 ends in Obama victory,

Obama captures second term as president

President Barack Obama captures a second term as president, winning a number of battleground states to defeat Republican challenger Mitt Romney.
Obama captures second term as president.


3 big post-election concerns for investors

The election's results raises three big concerns: continued gridlock in Washington, perpetuation of the easy-money regime at the Fed, and a possible international crisis involving Israel and Iran, writes Howard Gold.
3 big post-election concerns for investors.

Who is really picking up the tab for Sandy?

Ask anyone on the street who will pay for the damage cause by Hurricane Sandy, and the first answer will almost always be "insurers." However, even insurance companies need someone to back them up.
Who is really picking up the tab for Sandy?

Interpreting market's day-after reaction

Will the stock market plunge today in the wake of President Obama's re-election—as the overnight futures market is suggesting?
Interpreting market's day-after reaction.

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