Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: Investing in legalized marijuana

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Personal Finance Daily
NOVEMBER 13, 2012

Tuesday's Personal Finance Stories

By MarketWatch

Personal Finance Daily
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Don't miss these top stories:

More states are legalizing the use of marijuana, and there are ways for people to invest — without having to actually grow or sell drugs, as Quentin Fottrell writes today. Read more about the companies that stand to profit from the growing industry in today's Personal Finance pages.

Plus, read a Paul Farrell column that asks whether we'll see a new bull record in 2013 or if the market will crash next year. And read a Therese Poletti column on why James Bond movies have provided a glimpse into the future of technology.

Amy Hoak , assistant editor

How to invest in legalized marijuana

Cannabis may never trade like coffee or orange juice futures. But as more states legalize its use, brave investors are finding new opportunities.
How to invest in legalized marijuana.

New bull record in 2013 or crash over bear cliff?

New record? Yes. Dow 14,165, "almost there," says Barron's in its latest Big Money poll. Still, hedge your bets: "After three years of handsome returns for U.S. stocks," optimism about 2013 is "waning as the list of things to worry about grows longer."
New bull record in 2013 or crash over bear cliff?

James Bond movies show us the future of tech

In "Skyfall," James Bond fans won't see the same sort of far-out inventions as they did in the 1960s movies. But some of those early Cold War gizmos foretold some key tech developments decades before the rest of us did.
James Bond movies show us the future of tech.


Fiscal cliff isn't America's worst money problem

Going over the so-called fiscal cliff may, on the face of it, "improve" U.S. public finances, reduce the deficit and slow the rise of America's debt mountain, writes Satyajit Das. But, he adds, the fiscal cliff will not of itself solve America's large and deep-seated financial problems.
Fiscal cliff isn't America's worst money problem.

Euro-zone recession threatens global economy

The euro-zone economy is deteriorating alarmingly, writes Kiron Sarkar. While the German-inspired policy of austerity is essentially right, he adds, its implementation, over far too short a period of time, is forcing the region into recession.
Euro-zone recession threatens global economy.

To help the economy, do first things first

When the economy is weak and needs a boost, the last thing Washington should do is cut government spending and/or raise taxes, writes Irwin Kellner.
To help the economy, do first things first.


Betting against euro doom-and-gloomers

Mark Hulbert takes a look at one investment adviser who believes that the euro will continue to trade in a fairly narrow range around where it is now, predictions of its demise notwithstanding.
Betting against euro doom-and-gloomers.

Greece stays in euro, but who foots the bill?

The countries that share the euro don't have the stomach to kick Greece out of the club, but U.S. and global market jitters will only be amplified by a growing conflict over how to cover the growing cost of averting a Greek default.
Greece stays in euro, but who foots bill?

How Wall Street would fix the 'fiscal cliff'

In the debate over the "fiscal cliff," it's somehow become a bad idea to stall for more time. But 'kicking the can down the road' gives the nation its best chance to affect a turnaround.
How Wall Street would fix the 'fiscal cliff.'

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