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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: The graying of America's workforce

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Personal Finance Daily
NOVEMBER 14, 2012

Wednesday's Personal Finance Stories

By MarketWatch

Personal Finance Daily
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Don't miss these top stories:

It isn't easy for mature workers to find a job in today's market, but that could change with the aging of the overall workforce. A quarter of the labor force will be 55 and older by 2020, as Andrea Coombes writes today. And that's going to help erase age boundaries in all types of industries. Get the full story in today's Personal Finance pages.

Plus, check out even more on retirement today, including a Robert Powell column on how retirees and pre-retirees can prepare for the fiscal cliff, a piece on where to retire in California and a slideshow of the top 10 weather cities for retirees.

And that's just some of the content featured in MarketWatch's new retirement section. Visit the section.

Amy Hoak , assistant editor

Where the jobs are for mature workers

Mature workers don't have it easy in today's labor market, but the inexorable force of demographics may be helping to loosen agism's hold on U.S. employers, opening up opportunities in more industries for job seekers whose faces reflect some years of experience.
Where the jobs are for mature workers.

Retiring on the edge of the fiscal cliff

One of the biggest risks that retirees and pre-retirees face is that of taxes; not just paying them but the risk that tax policy will change and throw a big wrench into one's plans.
Retiring on the edge of the fiscal cliff.

5 fiscal-cliff tax moves for retirement savers

You've heard about the fiscal cliff, but have you prepared your finances to survive it?
5 fiscal-cliff tax moves for retirement savers.

Retire Here, Not There: California

On a postcard, California looks like the perfect retirement destination. On paper, the picture is a little more cloudy.
Retire Here, Not There: California.

10 best weather cities for retirees

It isn't easy to define the best weather locations for retirees, because everyone's interpretation of ideal weather isn't the same. Some want to spend their golden years soaking up the sun, while others prefer a place where they can be near ski slopes.
10 best weather cities for retirees.

A PhD in beer

As Craft Brew Sales Grow Frothy, Pourers With Pedigrees Bubble Up Beer Professionals Suggest Food Pairings, Explain Styles; 'Nice Toffee Backbone'
A PhD in beer.

Are Black Friday ads really 'leaked?'

Why it's in a retailer's interest to give deal sites an early peek at doorbuster-deal advertisements.
Are Black Friday ads really 'leaked?'


Legal marijuana: What it means for workers

What does the legalization of marijuana mean for workers in Colorado and Washington?
Legal marijuana: What it means for workers.

Stop calling it a 'fiscal cliff'

The fiscal cliff is a misleading metaphor, writes Rex Nutting. The tax and spending laws will change on that day, it's true, but the impact will be spread out over many, many months. We're already feeling the pain.
Stop calling it a 'fiscal cliff.'

U.S. retail sales retreat in October

U.S. retail sales sustain an October drop, falling by the sharpest amount since June, as receipts got hurt partly by the disruptive effects of Hurricane Sandy.
U.S. retail sales retreat in October.

U.S. wholesale costs decline in October

Wholesale prices in the U.S. posted the biggest decline in October in more than a year and a half, mostly because of lower costs of gasoline and motor vehicles.
U.S. wholesale costs decline in October.

Who's who of China's likely new leaders

Catch this slide show of 10 Chinese leaders who are likely candidates for the Communist Party's next Politburo Standing Committee — the nation's top ruling body.
Who's who of China's likely new leaders.


All want to break up Citi, except Citi

Another call to break up Citigroup Inc. is unlikely to succeed.
All want to break up Citi, except Citi.

Meaning of 200-day average's violation

The stock market's 200-day moving average has now been decisively broken. Mark Hulbert examines whether this really means the market's major trend has turned down, as technical analysis would contend.
Meaning of 200-day average's violation.

Investment lessons from James Bond, and the Stones

James Bond and the Rolling Stones are enduring brand names, still going strong after 50 years. Here are five investing lessons we can learn from their success, writes Matthew Lynn.
Investment lessons from James Bond, and the Stones.

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