Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, November 16, 2012

FinNews for November 16, 2012

FinNews for November 16, 2012

Top Stories

Iconic Hostess Brands is moving to close its operations following a strike by workers that the CEO says they cannot weather financially. (1) Japan is in a "technical recession" but forecasts suggest economists foresee recovery in the first part of 2013. (2) "Fiscal cliff" talks continued in Washington and stocks moved higher as investors eyed potential for a deal to be reached. (3) An oil production rig in the Gulf of Mexico has exploded, and at least two people are missing. (4) Oil prices were already headed higher on tensions and conflict in Israel. (5)

Economic Releases & Statistics

Japan's exports fell 5 percent between July and September, sending their Q3 growth down by 0.9 percent and fueling talk of recession.  (6) The US Producer Price Index was down 0.2 percent in October versus forecasts for a 0.1 percent rise.  (7) US retail sales reported by the Commerce Department were down 0.3 percent, a drop blamed on uncertainty about the economy and Hurricane Sandy.  (8) Retail sales in the United Kingdom were also down, falling 0.8 percent in October over September. Forecasts were for a 0.1 percent drop.  (9) US industrial output was down 0.4 percent in October following a 0.2 percent gain in September. Hurricane Sandy was partly to blame for the disruption.  (10) Eurostat data showed that GDP for the euro zone contracted 0.1 percent in Q3 after a 0.2 percent contraction in Q2, which means the area is back in recession. (11)

Stocks & Earnings

Sears reported "another massive loss and a decline in sales" on Friday, precipitating a 15 percent drop in their stock. (12) Walmart workers are planning a Black Friday walkout. (13) Dell Inc. fell to a fresh three year low following the fourth straight quarter with declining sales. (14)

Global Currencies

The yen headed lower on "expectations of aggressive monetary easing from the Bank of Japan." (15) Economists look for potential interest rate cuts from the Reserve Bank of Australia. (16)

Oil & Energies

Oil supplies were up 1.1 million barrels in the week ending November 9. Forecasts had been for a 1.5 million increase. Gasoline supplies were down 400,000 barrels versus forecasts for supplies to be unchanged. Distillates were down 2.5 million barrels versus forecasts for a 500,000 barrel drop. (17) Exports of oil from Nigeria are experiencing lengthy delays caused by theft and flooding. (18)

Natural gas supplies were 18 billion cubic feet lower in the week ending November 9. This contrasts forecasts for a 10 billion cubic foot draw. (19) Analysts are hoping that the current surplus will drop on forecasts for upcoming colder temperatures. (20)

Grains & Field Crops

The Environmental Protection Agency rejected requests to "waive requirements for blending corn-based ethanol into gasoline."(21) China canceled ten cargoes of soybeans - around 600,000 metric tons - on an improving forecast for South American crops. (22) Army worms in Florida have become the second crop pest to display resistance to genetically modified crops, surviving after ingesting corn that should have produced insecticidal protein. (23) South African corn prices fell as rainfall improved crop prospects. (24) Egypt may be poised to purchase US wheat in its next tender for 2013. (25) Just over 50 percent of France's winter wheat crop had emerged by November 12 versus 90 percent at the same time last year. (26)

Precious Metals

Jewelers in parts of India are reporting a rise in gold sales for Diwali, some up as much as 25 percent on special offers. (27) Other news outlets reported as much as a 30 percent rise in gold sales for wedding jewelry purchases on Dhanteras. (28) In contrast, Iamgold reported a drop in profit on lower gold sales and higher expenses. (29)

Platinum prices declined as workers for Anglo American Platinum in South Africa returned to work following strikes. (30)

Other Commodities

Cocoa output in Nigeria may drop up to 20 percent on disease and floods. (31) Coffee harvest in Vietnam may reach the same 26.5 million bags seen last year. Roughly 35 percent of the crop has been harvested and 15 percent sold. (32)

Date Currency Event GMT Forecast Previous
18-Nov Sun NZD NZD Performance Services Index 21:30   49.60
NZD NZD Producer Prices- Inputs (QoQ) 21:45 0.30% 0.60%
NZD NZD Producer Prices- Outputs (QoQ) 21:45 0.20% 0.30%
JPY JPY Supermarket Sales (YoY) -2.00%
JPY JPY Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Meeting
GBP GBP Rightmove House Prices (MoM) 00:01 3.50%
GBP GBP Rightmove House Prices (YoY) 00:01 1.50%
19-Nov Mon JPY JPY Leading Index 05:00   91.70
JPY JPY Coincident Index 05:00 91.20
JPY JPY Machine Tool Orders (YoY) 06:00
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Construction Output s.a. (MoM) 10:00 0.70%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Construction Output w.d.a. (YoY) 10:00 -5.50%
USD USD NAHB Housing Market Index 15:00 41.00 41.00
USD USD Existing Home Sales 15:00 4.75M 4.75M
USD USD Existing Home Sales (MoM) 15:00 -0.10% -1.70%
AUD AUD Conference Board Leading Index 23:00 -0.80%
JPY JPY Bank of Japan Rate Decision 0.10%
AUD AUD Reserve Bank Board Minutes 00:30
JPY JPY All Industry Activity Index (MoM) 04:30 -0.50% 0.10%
20-Nov Tue JPY JPY Convenience Store Sales (YoY) 07:00   -1.60%
CHF CHF Trade Balance (Swiss franc) 07:00 2.01B
CHF CHF Exports (MoM) 07:00 2.60%
CHF CHF Imports (MoM) 07:00 3.00%
EUR EUR German Producer Prices (MoM) 07:00 0.10% 0.30%
EUR EUR German Producer Prices (YoY) 07:00 1.60% 1.70%
CAD CAD Wholesale Sales (MoM) 13:30 0.30% 0.50%
USD USD Housing Starts 13:30 840K 872K
USD USD Housing Starts (MoM) 13:30 -3.70% 15.00%
USD USD Building Permits 13:30 865K 894K
USD USD Building Permits (MoM) 13:30 -2.80% 11.60%
AUD AUD Westpac Leading Index (MoM) 23:30 0.50%
JPY JPY Merchandise Trade Imports (YoY) 23:50 -3.20 4.10
JPY JPY Merchandise Trade Balance Total (Yen) 23:50 -¥360.0B -¥558.6B
JPY JPY Adjusted Merchandise Trade Balance (Yen) 23:50 -¥492.1B -¥980.3B
JPY JPY Merchandise Trade Exports (YoY) 23:50 -4.90 -10.30
AUD AUD CBAHIA House Affordability 00:00 62.50
USD USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks at Economic Club of New York
AUD AUD DEWR Internet Skilled Vacancies (MoM) 00:00 -3.70%
NZD NZD Credit Card Spending s.a. (MoM) 02:00 0.90%
NZD NZD Credit Card Spending (YoY) 02:00 1.50%
CNY CNY Conference Board China Leading Economic Index 02:00
21-Nov Wed CHF CHF Money Supply M3 (YoY) 08:00   8.90%
GBP GBP Bank of England Minutes 09:30
GBP GBP Public Finances (PSNCR) (Pounds) 09:30 -15.0B -0.6B
GBP GBP PSNB ex Interventions 09:30 6.0B 12.8B
GBP GBP Public Sector Net Borrowing (Pounds) 09:30 4.0B 10.7B
USD USD MBA Mortgage Applications 12:00 12.60%
USD USD Initial Jobless Claims 13:30 400K 439K
USD USD Continuing Claims 13:30 3334K
USD USD Markit US PMI Preliminary 13:58 51.00
CAD CAD Teranet/National Bank HP Index 14:00 154.97
CAD CAD Teranet/National Bank HPI (MoM) 14:00 -0.40%
CAD CAD Teranet/National Bank HPI (YoY) 14:00 3.60%
USD USD U. of Michigan Confidence 14:55 84.50 84.90
USD USD Leading Indicators 15:00 0.10% 0.60%
NZD NZD Net Migration s.a. 21:45 90.00
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) 23:50 ¥378.4B
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) 23:50 -¥38.9B
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) 23:50 ¥309.1B
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) 23:50 -¥79.0B
CNY CNY HSBC Flash Manufacturing PMI 01:45 49.50
22-Nov Thu JPY JPY Bank of Japan Releases Monthly Report on Financial Development 07:30    
EUR EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Services 08:00 45.00 44.60
EUR EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing 08:00 44.00 43.70
EUR EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing 08:30 46.00 46.00
EUR EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Services 08:30 48.40 48.40
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Composite 09:00 45.90 45.70
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Services 09:00 46.00 46.00
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing 09:00 45.60 45.40
GBP GBP CBI Trends Total Orders 11:00 -20.00 -23.00
GBP GBP CBI Trends Selling Prices 11:00 7.00 7.00
CAD CAD Retail Sales (MoM) 13:30 0.50% 0.30%
CAD CAD Retail Sales Less Autos (MoM) 13:30 0.50% 0.40%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Confidence 15:00 -25.80 -25.70
CNY CNY MNI Flash Business Sentiment Indicator 01:35
23-Nov Fri EUR EUR German Gross Domestic Product w.d.a. (YoY) 07:00 0.90%  
EUR EUR German Domestic Demand 07:00 -0.10%
EUR EUR German Gross Domestic Product s.a. (QoQ) 07:00 0.20% 0.20%
EUR EUR German Imports 07:00 0.50% 2.10%
EUR EUR German Private Consumption 07:00 0.20% 0.40%
EUR EUR German Gross Domestic Product n.s.a. (YoY) 07:00 0.40%
EUR EUR German Exports 07:00 1.10% 2.50%
EUR EUR German Capital Investment 07:00 0.00% -0.90%
EUR EUR German Government Spending 07:00 0.20% 0.20%
EUR EUR German Construction Investment 07:00 0.80% -0.30%
EUR EUR German IFO - Business Climate 09:00 99.50 100.00
EUR EUR German IFO - Current Assessment 09:00 106.30 107.30
EUR EUR German IFO - Expectations 09:00 93.00 93.20
GBP GBP BBA Loans for House Purchase 09:30 32000.00 31175.00
CAD CAD Consumer Price Index (MoM) 13:30 0.10% 0.20%
CAD CAD Consumer Price Index (YoY) 13:30 1.00% 1.20%
CAD CAD Bank Canada Consumer Price Index Core (MoM) 13:30 0.30% 0.20%
CAD CAD Consumer Price Index s.a. (MoM) 13:30 0.20%
CAD CAD Core CPI s.a. (MoM) 13:30 0.00%
CAD CAD Bank Canada Consumer Price Index Core (YoY) 13:30 1.20% 1.30%
CAD CAD Consumer Price Index 13:30 122.00

1. http://money.cnn.com/2012/11/16/news/companies/hostess-closing/index.html

2. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/16/us-japan-economy-poll-idUSBRE8AF0JX20121116

3. http://money.cnn.com/2012/11/16/investing/stocks-markets/index.html?iid=HP_LN; http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324556304578122940668560644.html

4. http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/16/us/oil-platform-fire/index.html?iid=HP_LN

5. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-16/oil-rises-as-middle-east-tension-may-disrupt-supplies

6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/japanese-economy-contracts-economists-officials-predict-a-recession/2012/11/12/e4c1ad34-2ca8-11e2-a99d-5c4203af7b7a_story.html

7.  https://mninews.marketnews.com/index.php/us-october-ppi-fell-02-declines-energy-core?q=content/us-october-ppi-fell-02-declines-energy-core

8.  http://www.salon.com/2012/11/14/sandy_careful_consumers_lower_us_retail_sales/

9. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-15/u-dot-k-dot-retail-sales-drop-more-than-forecast-on-food-clothing

10. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/16/us-usa-economy-output-idUSBRE8AF0XP20121116

11. http://money.cnn.com/2012/11/15/news/economy/eurozone-recession/index.html?iid=SF_E_River

12. http://buzz.money.cnn.com/2012/11/16/sears-stock-earnings/?iid=HP_LN

13. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/11/16/walmart-walkout-workers-mount-black-friday-job-action/

14. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-15/dell-s-sales-forecast-misses-estimates-amid-pc-industry-slump

15. http://www.cnbc.com/id/49847271

16. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324556304578122042688424484.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

17. http://www.boston.com/business/markets/2012/11/15/crude-oil-supplies-grew-million-barrels/S8vxgRY4zEU47WuLJAK5FK/story.html

18. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/16/shell-nigeria-idUSL5E8MG4FA20121116

19. http://www.boston.com/business/markets/2012/11/15/natural-gas-supplies-shrank-last-week/SQ5vNC9pudrvAAcvm06zZP/story.html

20. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-16/natural-gas-may-set-new-2012-high-as-supplies-fall-survey-shows

21. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-16/epa-rejects-requests-to-ease-u-dot-s-dot-corn-based-ethanol-requirement

22. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-16/soybeans-drop-on-slowing-chinese-demand-corn-wheat-decline

23. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-16/dupont-dow-corn-defeated-by-armyworms-in-florida-study.html

24. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-16/south-african-corn-falls-most-in-month-as-rainfall-more-likely.html

25. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-16/egypt-seen-buying-u-s-wheat-in-next-state-grain-tender.html

26. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-16/french-soft-wheat-planting-88-complete-franceagrimer-says-1-.html

27. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/emerging-businesses/regional-hubs/west/gold-sales-up-to-25-per-cent-during-the-diwali-in-pimpri/articleshow/17240495.cms

28. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/gold/gold-sales-surge-by-up-to-30-on-dhanteras/article4088258.ece

29. http://www.equities.com/news/headline-story?dt=2012-11-13&val=705000&cat=material

30. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324735104578122892487959854.html

31. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-16/nigeria-s-cocoa-output-seen-falling-20-percent-on-disease-flood

32. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-16/vietnam-coffee-farmers-seen-harvesting-35-of-crop-selling-15-.html

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