Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, June 1, 2012

Profit from emissions trading - All trades overseen by F.S.A regulated trustees - A channel partner mailing from UK-Analyst.com

Welcome to the Green Capital Consulting Group
This month: Emission Trading & Renewable Energy

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Logo Carbon Price Could Double This Year!
(Source: Bank Espirito Santo)

Get Your Complimentary Report Today.

Download Your Report TodayFind out:

  • 5 reasons why carbon should be in your portfolio
  • The pros and cons of investing in the carbon market
  • Why is everyone talking carbon?
  • Shares or alternative investments – what could make you a better return?
  • Why Emissions should be in your portfolio ?
  • How can you make a 10–15% return in this market
  • Why are so many companies talking about carbon today?
  • How are you helping global warming?

"There is a chance that the carbon price could rally significantly... That would be good news for Fortum, Verbund, E.ON, RWE and Cez. It would be marginally positive for Iberdrola, Centrica, International Power and GDF Suez, Endesa and Gas Natural," the bank said in a research note.

They continue, "The market is heading into a surplus of permits in excess of 1.6 billion tonnes (about 900 million tonnes EUAs and 700 million tonnes U.N.-carbon credits)," the bank said, compared with annual emissions of around 2 billion tonnes. The bank estimates that a 5 euro change in the carbon price would raise earnings per share by 10 to 15 percent for Fortum and Verbund, by 7 to 10 percent for E.ON , RWE and CEZ and by less than 5 percent for Iberdrola, GDF Suez, Centrica, International Power, Endesa and Gas Natural. ($1 = 0.7501 euros)

Green Capital Consulting Group only use the services of FSA regulated trustees and are dedicated in providing the best service for investors looking to expand their portfolio.

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Green Capital Consulting Group Gets Thumbs Up In Latest Review.

Read Green Capital Consultings recent article on the Wind and Solar 101 website here.

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Green Capital Consulting Group (Company Registration No. 7874310 Incorporated in England and Wales) specialise in the Socially Responsible Investment Markets, Renewable Energy Projects and Emission Trading. You should seek independent financial or tax advice before making any investment decisions. Please be aware that the value of your investment may go up as well as down. Any forecasted returns on investment are purely indicative and in no way constitute guaranteed returns.

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