Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, June 1, 2012

Personal Income and Outlays: April 2012

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has issued the following news release today:

Personal income increased $31.7 billion, or 0.2 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) increased $22.0 billion, or 0.2 percent, in April, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $31.8 billion, or 0.3 percent.  In March, personal income increased $52.2 billion, or 0.4 percent, DPI increased $45.9 billion, or 0.4 percent, and PCE increased $25.4 billion, or 0.2 percent, based on revised estimates.

The full text of the release on BEA's Web site can be found at www.bea.gov/newsreleases/national/pi/pinewsrelease.htm

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