Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: 5 reasons to buy stocks now

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Personal Finance Daily
JUNE 06, 2012

Wednesday's Personal Finance Stories

By MarketWatch

Personal Finance Daily
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Don't miss these top stories:

Robert Powell writes in his Your Portfolio column today that it would be easy to follow the herd of investors selling stocks and buying bonds in the face of uncertainty and economic weakness in Europe and the U.S. But wait. Given stretched valuations on equities and indicators that point to gains for the S&P 500, some financial advisers are really bullish, and they offer five good reasons to buy stocks now.

Also on MarketWatch today, Mark Hulbert analyzes high quality, profitable companies and comes to the conclusion that the market is undervalued. He notes that the data don't reassure us that it's as undervalued as it was on previous historic buying opportunities. But, he writes, it is good to know that the gravitational pull exerted by this long-term data set is toward higher rather than lower prices.

Anne Stanley , Managing Editor, Personal Finance

Five reasons to buy stocks now

Don't join the herd investors selling stocks and buying bonds. Instead, here are five reasons these bullish investment advisers are buying equities.
Read more: Five reasons to buy stocks now.

Credit unions offer consumer choices

While many are focused on the safety of America's banks, there's a separate group of financial institutions—credit unions—that offer an alternative to consumers and small businesses.
Read more: Credit unions offer consumer choices.


Second-quarter tech earnings headed lower

When the broader market dives in May, it's usually a sign that stock investors are becoming less optimistic about the economy—and corporate earnings—in the second half of the year.
Read more: Second-quarter tech earnings headed lower.

5 ways to trade Europe's game of chicken

Europe will figure out a way to keep the euro on life support, for a while. Before the fix unravels again, there will be plenty of trading opportunities for smart investors.
Read more: 5 ways to trade Europe's game of chicken.

Market significantly undervalued

The stock market is more accurately described as undervalued than overvalued, according to new analysis.
Read more: Market significantly undervalued.


Wisconsin Gov. Walker survives recall

Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker survived a recall election on Tuesday night, keeping his post and dealing a blow to Democrats after more than a year of battling over union rights and budget politics.
Read more: Wisconsin Gov. Walker survives recall.

A solution to America's political gridlock

Washington is caught in a "dialogue of the deaf"—an endless and unproductive debate among both politicians and the media covering them, writes Economist H. Woody Brock, who offers a long-term solution to the problem.
Read more: A solution to America's political gridlock.

Silly rabbit, Facebook isn't for kids

Facebook is exploring ways to friend (and make tons of money from) young children.
Read more: Silly rabbit, Facebook isn't for kids.

U.S. productivity falls 0.9% in first quarter

Revised productivity data reflect lower rate of output growth as well as slight increase in hours worked, spelling higher unit-labor costs.
Read more: U.S. productivity falls 0.9% in first quarter.

ECB holds fire; Draghi increases pressure on politicians

The European Central Bank makes no major changes to monetary policy Wednesday, with Mario Draghi putting added pressure on European leaders to address the euro-zone debt crisis.
Read more: ECB holds fire; Draghi ups pressure on politicians.

Australian first-quarter GDP jumps

The Australian economy starts 2012 with a bang, with data revealing that growth in the resource-rich nation far outstripped expectations in the first three months of the year.
Read more: Australian first-quarter GDP jumps.

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