Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Navigating the Future of Customer Service

This week's FierceFinance is brought to you by Oracle.

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How do you use customer service as a competitive advantage today? Are you struggling to balance cost and customer satisfaction?

The facts:
  • Eighty-six percent of customer service decision-makers say that a good customer experience is a top strategic priority
  • Sixty-three percent say that they want their CX to be the best in their industry
  • Thirteen percent say that they want to be a leader in customer experience across all industries
But what’s the reality?

Ms. Kate Leggett, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research, has compiled a 20-page document to help you frame your plan for customer service transformation. Kate’s newest report, Navigate the Future of Customer Service, outlines Forrester’s solution for business process executives supporting customer service operations and the key business trends that will unfold over the next five years. This document is designed to help you understand the future of customer service and is our gift to you.

Download this complimentary report from Forrester Research, compliments of Oracle!
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