Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Friday, June 8, 2012

FinNews for the week ending June 8, 2012

FinNews for the week ending June 8, 2012

Top Stories

Following a Thursday meeting, the Fed announced that while it's prepared to assist the U.S. economy if it weakens, there are no current plans to take action. The Fed chairman noted that economic growth is expected to continue at a moderate pace, and that the European debt crisis still presents a great risk to the U.S. market. (1)

China initiated a 25 basis point cut in its benchmark lending rates, marking the country's first rate cut since the 2008 recession and countering expectations that it would refrain from making any rate changes. This cut implies either a slowing of Chinese growth or an easing of inflation, and signals the government's desire to boost the country's economy. (2)

Spain is expected to seek recapitalizing assistance from the euro zone this weekend. On a conference call scheduled for Saturday morning the Eurogroup will discuss aiding Spain, and on a later call will discuss approving the request. Announcements regarding the meetings are anticipated Saturday afternoon. (3)

Economic Releases & Statistics

The U.S. trade deficit narrowed 4.9 percent to $50.1 billion in April, higher than forecasts for a $49.5 billion drop. Imports and exports both dropped from March's $52.6 billion. (4) The U.S. ISM non-manufacturing PMI rose to 53.7 in May, countering expectations for a fall to 53. Up 0.2 from April's 53.5, readings over 50 indicate expansion and growth. The unemployment index fell 50.8, down 4.2 from April's 54.2, consistent with May's poor job growth. (5) Applications for unemployment fell 12,000 to 377,000, lower than last week's 389,000. (6)

Stocks & Earnings

Prompted by China's lending rate cut, the stock market's biggest rally of the year faded following the Fed's announcement that it has no immediate plans to spur on the economy. (7)

In an attempt to save money and gain better visibility, Kraft Foods Inc plans to transfer its stock to Nasdaq from the New York Stock Exchange later this month. The company aims to split into two companies later this year, both of which will trade under Nasdaq. (8)

Though still down following its IPO, Facebook's stock grew 2.8 percent Friday, partly in response to the release of its App Center site. (9)

Global Currencies

Following China's reduction of borrowing costs, the euro rose to a 10-day high against the dollar, the Australian dollar rose to a three-week high, while others such as the New Zealand and Canadian dollars also saw gains. (10) The rupee also posted gains against the dollar in response to recovery from oversold conditions, breaking away from nine weeks of record lows. However, the rupee still fell due to concerns over Spain, anticipation over China, and U.S. economic woes. (11)

Oil & Energies

U.S. crude oil supplies fell 100,000 barrels to 384.6 million barrels, versus forecasts for a 1 million barrel drop. Gasoline supplies rose 3.3 million barrels to 203.5 million, a 1.7 percent increase, overshooting estimates for a 500,000 increase. Distillate fuel supplies increased 2.3 million barrels to 120 million, higher than forecasts for a 600,000 barrel rise. (12) Natural gas supplies rose 62 billion cubic feet to 2.877 trillion, higher than forecasts for a 53-57 billion rise. (13)

Now nationalized, the Argentine oil firm YPF aims to invest an annual $7 billion from 2013-17 to increase oil reserves and output. This year, the firm will invest $3.5 billion to shift its current 6 percent annual oil decline into growth. YPF's plan will create 10,000 new jobs over five years. (14)

Grains & Field Crops

Monday's USDA Crop Progress reported 97 percent of corn emerged, seventy two percent of which is in "good" to "excellent" condition. With soybean planting finished, 79 percent of the crop has emerged; sixty five percent of which is in "good" to "excellent" condition. This quick progression was due in part to a continued dry, hot period over the corn belt. (15)

Argentinean farmers initiated a one-week anti-government strike on Wednesday, halting grain sales. The strike is a reaction to rising land tax increases in the country's largest agricultural province. (16) As soy and other crops have already been collected, most ports have bolstered reserves to avoid interrupting exports. (17)

In response to a heavy drought, Brazil lowered its 2011/12 soybean crop estimate slightly from 66.68 million tons to 66.37. The country's corn estimate shot up 1.89 million tons to 67.79 million. (18) Due to a large number of producers frontloading their shipments and the nation's weak economic growth, Brazil will export increasingly less soybean crops as the year progresses. (19) However, China is in the process of assessing Brazil's corn import risks, and will likely open its market doors to Brazil's corn surplus. (20)

Precious Metals

Due to the recent growth of India's middle and upper classes, and as a result of India's slowing economy, many are turning to gold. South Indian gold counters reported a 20 percent to 25 percent jump in sales. (21) China's gold bullion imports rose 62% in April, with a net import of 67.4 tons. (22) Estimates state a 4% decline in platinum this year to 6.14 million ounces, due to South African strikes and safety concerns. (23) Despite declining palladium production in Russian and South Africa, increased automotive demand from BRIC countries is forecast to drive demand up. (24)

Other Commodities

The International Cocoa Organization forecasts a weaker cocoa shortage during the 2011/12 season, falling short 43,000 metric tons instead of 71,000 mt. While the estimated shortage is a result of skyrocketing demand, excellent weather and higher grinds then expected are helping to curb the deficit. Ivory Coast's cocoa output estimate is up 5 percent, and Brazil's yield is 10,000 mt higher than earlier forecasts. These increases are slightly countered by Nigeria's even weaker expected yield and rising demand from Asian markets. (25)

Ivory Coast and Ghana are both forecast to get rain over the next week, potentially improving pod development. Ivory Coast's current crop is estimated at 370,000 metric tons. (26) By 2016, the nation plans to triple container capacity at its main port of Abidjan to 2.3 million units, aiming to keep up with competition. (27) However, Ghana's cocoa yield is predicted to fall to 850,000 tons due to price falls and dry weather up to this point. (28)

Heavy rainfall in Brazil has stopped sugar harvesting until June 8 at the earliest. (29) Brazilian coffee producers are currently unable to make larger deliveries to ICE Futures U.S., as an applied discount would force them to sell for 16 less cents a pound or more to be profitable. (30) Colombia is wary of a potential coffee sector crisis, as for the last four years the country's production has dropped by four million 130 pound bags. Already 16 million bags down, the Colombian government is investing $165.3 million to assist growers. (31) The country's output 689,000 bags last month, a 2 percent rise year on year. Though this follows an 11 percent rise in April, the overall crop harvest last year was 7.8 million bags, the lowest in three decades. (32)

In Arkansas, heavy rainfall has spurred a growth in the state's cotton crop, setting the state for record yields. (33)

Next Week:

Date Country/
09-Jun Sat CNY CNY Trade Balance (USD)   $16.40B $18.43B
CNY CNY Exports (YoY) 7.20% 4.90%
CNY CNY Imports (YoY) 5.00% 0.30%
10-Jun Sun NZD NZD Manufacturing Activity Volume s.a. (QoQ) 22:45   1.30%
NZD NZD Manufacturing Activity 22:45 1.20%
GBP GBP Lloyds Employment Confidence 23:01 -59.00
JPY JPY BSI Large All Industry (QoQ) 23:50 -2.70
JPY JPY BSI Large Manufacturing (QoQ) 23:50 -7.30
JPY JPY Japan Money Stock M3 (YoY) 23:50 2.30%
JPY JPY Japan Money Stock M2+CD (YoY) 23:50 2.60%
CNY CNY New Yuan Loans 700.0B 681.8B
CNY CNY Money Supply - M0 (YoY) 10.60% 10.40%
CNY CNY Money Supply - M1 (YoY) 3.20% 3.10%
CNY CNY Money Supply - M2 (YoY) 12.90% 12.80%
JPY JPY Nationwide Department Store Sales (YoY) 1.30%
JPY JPY Tokyo Department Store Sales (YoY) 6.70%
11-Jun Mon JPY JPY Consumer Confidence 05:00   40.00
JPY JPY Machine Tool Orders (YoY) 06:00 0.40%
EUR EUR Italian Gross Domestic Product s.a. and w.d.a. (QoQ) 08:00 -0.80%
EUR EUR Italian Gross Domestic Product s.a. and w.d.a. (YoY) 08:00 -1.30%
USD USD Fed's Williams Delivers Opening Remarks in San Francisco 16:00
USD USD Fed's Lockhart Speaks on U.S. Economy in Chicago 16:00
NZD NZD NZ Card Spending (MoM) 22:45 0.60%
NZD NZD NZ Card Spending - Retail (MoM) 22:45 0.80%
GBP GBP RICS House Price Balance 23:01 -19.00%
JPY JPY Tertiary Industry Index (MoM) 23:50 -0.60%
JPY JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (MoM) 23:50 0.30%
JPY JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (YoY) 23:50 -0.20%
JPY JPY Loans & Discounts Corp (YoY) 23:50 -0.40%
JPY JPY Japan Manpower Survey 11.00
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (YoY) 2.40%
NZD NZD QV House Prices (YoY) 00:00 3.10%
CNY CNY China Manpower Survey 19.00%
NZD NZD REINZ Housing Price Index 3334.00
NZD NZD REINZ Housing Price Index (MoM) -0.30%
NZD NZD REINZ House Sales (YoY) 13.80%
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (MoM) 0.50%
AUD AUD NAB Business Conditions 01:30 0.00
AUD AUD NAB Business Confidence 01:30 4.00
12-Jun Tue CHF CHF SECO June 2012 Economic Forecasts 05:45    
GBP GBP Industrial Production (MoM) 08:30 -0.30%
GBP GBP Industrial Production (YoY) 08:30 -2.60%
GBP GBP Manufacturing Production (MoM) 08:30 0.90%
GBP GBP Manufacturing Production (YoY) 08:30 -0.90%
USD USD NFIB Small Business Optimism 11:30 94.50
USD USD Import Price Index (MoM) 12:30 -1.00% -0.50%
USD USD Import Price Index (YoY) 12:30 0.50%
GBP GBP NIESR Gross Domestic Product Estimate 14:00 0.10%
USD USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism 14:00 48.50
USD USD Fed's Tarullo Speaks on Shadow Banking in San Francisco 15:30
USD USD Monthly Budget Statement 18:00
AUD AUD Australia Manpower Survey 22:00 13.00%
NZD NZD New Zealand Manpower Survey 22:00 18.00%
JPY JPY Machine Orders (MoM) 23:50 -2.80%
JPY JPY Machine Orders (YoY) 23:50 -1.10%
AUD AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence 00:30 0.80%
AUD AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence Index 00:30 95.30
13-Jun Wed EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) 06:00   -0.20%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) 06:00 1.90%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) 06:00 -0.30%
EUR EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) 06:00 2.10%
CHF CHF Producer & Import Prices (MoM) 07:15 -0.10%
CHF CHF Producer & Import Prices (YoY) 07:15 -2.30%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) 09:00 -0.30%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production w.d.a. (YoY) 09:00 -2.20%
USD USD MBA Mortgage Applications 11:00
USD USD Producer Price Index (YoY) 12:30 1.90%
USD USD Producer Price Index (MoM) 12:30 -0.70% -0.20%
USD USD Producer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (MoM) 12:30 0.20% 0.20%
USD USD Producer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (YoY) 12:30 2.70%
USD USD Advance Retail Sales 12:30 0.10% 0.10%
USD USD Retail Sales Less Autos 12:30 0.10% 0.10%
USD USD Retail Sales Ex Auto & Gas 12:30 0.10%
USD USD Retail Sales "Control Group" 12:30 0.50% 0.40%
USD USD Business Inventories 14:00 0.40% 0.30%
NZD NZD Reserve Bank of New Zealand Rate Decision 21:00 2.50% 2.50%
NZD NZD Food Prices (MoM) 22:45 -0.10%
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) 23:50
CNY CNY Actual FDI (YoY) -1.60% -0.70%
EUR EUR Germany Third Quarter Manpower Employment Outlook (Table)
AUD AUD Consumer Inflation Expectation 01:00 3.10%
14-Jun Thu JPY JPY Industrial Production (MoM) 04:30   0.20%
JPY JPY Capacity Utilization (MoM) 04:30 1.30%
JPY JPY Industrial Production (YoY) 04:30 13.40%
CHF CHF Swiss National Bank Rate Decision 07:30 0.00%
EUR EUR ECB Publishes June Monthly Report 08:00
EUR EUR Italian General Government Debt 08:30 1946.1B
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index - Core (YoY) 09:00 1.60%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Labor Costs (YoY) 09:00 2.80%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index (MoM) 09:00 0.50%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index (YoY) 09:00
USD USD Consumer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (YoY) 12:30 2.30%
USD USD Consumer Price Index n.s.a. 12:30 230.09
USD USD Continuing Claims 12:30
USD USD Annual Revisions: Current Account 12:30
CAD CAD Capacity Utilization Rate 12:30 80.50%
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (MoM) 12:30 0.30%
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (YoY) 12:30 2.60%
USD USD Current Account Balance 12:30 -$132.4B -$124.1B
USD USD Consumer Price Index (MoM) 12:30 -0.20% 0.00%
USD USD Consumer Price Index Ex Food & Energy (MoM) 12:30 0.20% 0.20%
USD USD Consumer Price Index (YoY) 12:30 2.30%
USD USD Consumer Price Index Core Index s.a. 12:30 228.98
USD USD Initial Jobless Claims 12:30 383K
CAD CAD Bank of Canada Publishes Financial System Review 14:30
NZD NZD Business NZ Performance of Manufacturing Index 22:30 48.00
JPY JPY Bank of Japan Rate Decision 0.10%
NZD NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence Index 01:00 113.90
NZD NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence (MoM) 01:00 -0.10%
NZD NZD Non Resident Bond Holdings 03:00 62.10%
15-Jun Fri EUR EUR EU 25 New Car Registrations 06:00   -6.90%
GBP GBP Visible Trade Balance (Pounds) 08:30 -£8564
GBP GBP Total Trade Balance (Pounds) 08:30 -£2739
GBP GBP Trade Balance Non EU (Pounds) 08:30 -£4109
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Employment (QoQ) 09:00 -0.20%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Employment (YoY) 09:00 -0.20%
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Trade Balance (euros) 09:00 8.6B
EUR EUR Euro-Zone Trade Balance s.a. (euros) 09:00 4.3B
CAD CAD Manufacturing Shipments (MoM) 12:30 1.90%
USD USD Empire Manufacturing 12:30 14.50 17.09
USD USD Total Net TIC Flows 13:00 -$49.9B
USD USD Net Long-term TIC Flows 13:00 $36.2B
USD USD Industrial Production 13:15 0.10% 1.10%
USD USD Capacity Utilization 13:15 79.20% 79.20%
USD USD Manufacturing (SIC) Production 13:15 0.60%
USD USD U. of Michigan Confidence 13:55 78.00 79.30

1. http://www.thestarpress.com/article/20120608/BUSINESS/306080021/Bernanke-signals-Fed-unlikely-take-action

2. http://www.cnbc.com/id/47719664/

3. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/06/08/idINL5E8H882S20120608

4. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-06-08/trade-deficit-in-the-u-dot-s-dot-narrows-as-imports-and-exports-fall

5. http://www.nasdaq.com/article/us-may-ism-non-manufacturing-index-rises-20120605-00975

6. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-06/D9V8AM3G0.htm

7. http://www.jamestownsun.com/event/article/id/162560/group/Business/

8. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/06/08/kraft-nasdaq-idINL1E8H82GR20120608

9. http://www.suntimes.com/business/13058608-420/boost-in-facebook-stock-easing-post-ipo-decline.html

10. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/07/markets-forex-idUSL5E8H755F20120607

11. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Rupee-snaps-9-week-losing-run/articleshow/13934829.cms

12. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2018367089_apuscrudeinventories.html

13. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gCn0R7XSOcF-z8h_bbDpFIsbcELQ?docId=d7d0d6e227a74b4082f78a77ebf514b3

14. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/06/06/argentina-ypf-plans-to-invest-7-bn-annually-in-2013-2017/

15. http://www.agprofessional.com/news/Crop-Progress-Corn-Belt-thirsts-for-rain-157036635.html

16. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/06/argentina-farmers-idUSL1E8H656I20120606

17. http://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFL1E8H77D720120607

18. http://af.reuters.com/article/commoditiesNews/idAFE5E8EL03720120605

19. http://www.agriculture.com/markets/analysis/soybeans/brazil-to-run-out-of-soybes_10-ar24516

20. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/06/corn-brazil-china-idUSL1E8H66G720120606

21. http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page34?oid=152872&sn=Detail&pid=102055

22. http://goldnews.bullionvault.com/gold-bullion-china-hong-kong-imports-060720121

23. http://www.etftrends.com/2012/06/platinum-palladium-etfs-caught-in-risk-off-trade/

24. http://articles.marketwatch.com/2012-06-06/commentary/32057675_1_stillwater-mining-demand-cold-fusion

25. http://www.confectionerynews.com/Markets/ICCO-cuts-cocoa-deficit-forecast

26. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-06/ivory-coast-and-ghana-cocoa-areas-forecast-to-get-rains.html

27. http://af.reuters.com/article/senegalNews/idAFL5E8H86F720120608

28. http://af.reuters.com/article/investingNews/idAFJOE85601I20120607

29. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-06-06/sugar-advances-as-rainfall-may-damage-brazilian-harvest

30. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-08/volcafe-says-brazil-unlikely-to-deliver-coffee-to-ice-exchange.html

31. http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/economy/24483-colombian-minister-warns-of-coffee-crisi.html

32. http://www.agrimoney.com/news/barcap-dampens-hopes-for-colombia-coffee-revival--4613.html

33. http://www.memphisdailynews.com/news/2012/jun/8/record-cotton-yield-possible-in-northeast-arkansas/

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