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  Iain Maitland Editor PS. I've just remembered another free service we offer you! Sign up at any of the nine sites and you'll not only get free e-news but you can use our one-on-one advisory service too. We have a team of experts who will answer any questions you have about buying or investing in property. Go on, sign up now! Iain Maitland edits the free weekday e-alert news and monthly PDF newsletter services, UK Property Alerts and International Property Alerts. He also oversees the weekly e-alert news services at France Property Alerts, Lifestyle Property Alerts, Spain Property Alerts, America Property Alerts and Investment Property Alerts. He is the former editor of Maple Publications' Property Millionaires' Club, LifeSecrets and Auctiontrader and Fleet Street Publications' Personal & Finance Confidential and Supertrader. His courses include Secrets Of The Property Millionaires (Maple Academy), Successful Investing (Regent Academy) and The Maverick Investor's Home Study Course (Streetwise Publications). He has written 50+ books for worldwide publishers including Random House and Harper Collins. These have been published as far away as Russia, India, Japan, USA and Australia. He has also written for the Sunday Times, Director and the Financial Times. Word-of-mouth is the best recommendation of all! This is what your fellow members have been saying. "Keep up the good work with the articles, I find them hugely informative and easy to follow." "What a brilliant idea, it's the most scary thing to 'risk' money (especially if you have none!) for the first time, so I would love some advice and you write so clearly even I may be able to get started." "Keep up the great work, everything that comes out is worth looking at even if it's just to build up the experience levels and keep tabs on what is happening in the many different aspects/areas of this complex 'business' for novices like myself." "Many thanks, you run a great service." "I always look forward to your e-mails and find them most informative." "Many thanks and keep up the good work." "Thanks for all your efforts. I am now 63 years of age, but wish I had had something like this when I was in my twenties!" Copies of these and other unsolicited testimonials are available on request. © Property Alerts. Property Alerts is provided free to registered members. We research all of our news and information carefully but disclaim responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions. Property prices go up and down. You are strongly advised to do your due diligence before investing in any property opportunity. You must always take independent professional advice before investing in property. Property Alerts is funded by weekend 'open or delete' and other introductions. These should be viewed as third party advertisements and not endorsements and should be subject to the same due diligence and independent professional advice as any other property opportunity. 'Property Alerts' comprises nine online news services edited by Iain Maitland at Imaitland@aol.com. Visit the individual websites, UK Property Alerts, International Property Alerts etc, for further information. | Why Subscribe? - 100% free property e-alert services!
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