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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oilbarrel Newsletter 8th November 2012

Oilbarrel.com Informed comment and independent oil and gas   news
Oilbarrel Weekly Roundup 31st October - 8th November 2012
Weekly Review

As we said in our newsletter last week, our 55th OIlbarrel.com conference, which marks our return to The Brewery in Chiswell Street as a venue, looks like being a corker of an event. We have a strong card of companies lined up, some of them familiar to Oilbarrel regulars; some of them new.  All of them have interesting stories to tell. They include Faroe Petroleum, Bridge Energy, Chariot Oil & Gas, Argos Resources, President Petroleum and Eland Oil & Gas.

At the last count 335 people had registered to attend. This is beginning to suggest we could get a record turnout. However, on this occasion there will not be issues of breaking fire regulations through overcrowding which has bedevilled us at The Brewery in the past. We have booked a very large room this time. It should be a lively gathering.

Talking of conferences, Oilbarrel last week attended Renewable UK’s Annual Conference and Exhibition held at the SECC in Glasgow. RenewableUK is the trade and professional body for the UK wind and marine renewable industries.  The gathering was advertised as “The UK’s Premier Renewable Energy Event”.  Certainly there were a lot of people there, around 1,200, in fact. They included Alex Salmond, Scotland’s redoubtable First Minister. He says he wants to rid Scotland of nuclear plants country as his minority government conducts a campaign which he hopes will result in independence from the UK for the 5 million or so Scots. He is said to be fanatically in favour of wind power.  His enthusiasm at one point threatened to turn the gathering into a little farce.

Salmond’s speech to the meeting on the opening afternoon of October 30 was typically gung ho about wind farms. He said that when he became First Minister in 2007, he inherited a target of 50 per cent of Scotland’s electricity to be supplied by renewables by 2020. He went on to say that Scotland exceeded it’s interim target of 31 per cent by 2011, creating 35 per cent instead.

Salmond believes there are 131 wind farms in Scotland at the moment, around 40 per cent of the UK’s total. But if all those planned go ahead there would be 435 with the number of turbines rising from 1,657 to 4,784 onshore. This should be enough to set “ambitious but realisable new targets” Salmond said. He wanted Scotland to produce 50 per cent of its electricity from renewables by 2015 and 100 per cent by 2020. The target for the UK as a whole is 20 per cent by 2020.

Wave and tidal power is still some way off-- years away—from being commercial. Scotland has hydroelectric power but Salmond did not mention this. Nor did he mention that few wind farms were fully commissioned to run 24 hours a day. Intermittency means that conventional power companies, particularly gas companies can make a fortune from what is known as “power sourcing”  that is, being on standby for when the wind does not blow or does not blow hard enough.

Predictably enough he did not say that some of his senior colleagues are thought to feel he is wrong to put all his eggs in one basket by backing wind power so voraciously. Salmond is perceived by critics as wanting, not only independence for Scotland but independence for himself from any of his colleagues who disagree with him.

But he was preaching to the converted here. All was sweetness and light. Or it was sweetness and light until one John Hayes MP pitched up. He is the Tory backwoodsman who is currently the junior energy minster in the Westminster coalition. He was expected to make a speech at a conference reception in the evening of October 30 more or less rubber stamping Salmond’s speech. But things did not quite work out like that.

2011/2012 had been an active year for wind power throughout the UK. According to RenewableUK wind energy capacity in 2011/2012 in the UK rose by a quarter to 1,825 MW. For the first time in five years the UK also saw a rise in the number of onshore wind farm proposals approved by councils, up to a record 1,701MW compared to 1,42MW in 2010/2011, a leap of nearly 50 per cent.

This trend had clearly rattled Mr Hayes. The speech he drafted was in stark contrast to Mr Salmond’s enthusiasm. He said: “If you look at what has been built, what has consent and what is in the planning system, much of which will not get through and will be rejected.... even if  a minority of what’s in the system is built, we are going to reach our 2020 target. I’m saying enough is enough.”  He called for a moratorium on consents.

Hayes indicated he has commissioned research on the impact of turbines on rural landscapes and house prices, as well as complaints about noise.  He said: “We can no longer have wind farms imposed on communities, he added. I cannot singlehandedly build a new Jerusalem but I can protect our green and pleasant land.

In the event this inflammatory speech was not made. Hayes’s boss Ed Davey, the Lib Dem Minister at the Department of Energy And Climate Change (DECC) got wind of it  (excuse the pun) gave Hayes  a bo-------king and told him  to shut up. Hayes made anodyne remarks at the reception. But the damage was done. Hayes had leaked the speech to the Daily Torygraph, I mean Telegraph and the anti-Salmond Daily Mail. Next morning the Scottish Daily Mail had a screaming front page headline saying “Left Swinging In The Wind”. Inside the paper there was a full page of reports on wind farms, and a curmudgeonly editorial haranguing Salmond and explaining why wind farms do not work.

All this hardly amounts to an international incident likely to lead to World War Three. But it does mean the Westminster coalition has another fault line running through it about axe-wide as the Grand Canyon, which is something it does not need.  

As Danny Fortson, the London Sunday Times environment reporter put it in the newspaper last weekend: “It would have been funny if Hayes’s ‘enough is enough’ speech and the coalition chaos that ensued had been a one off. Sadly this it is not.

“Britain’s energy policy is a shambles. Coal and oil- fired power stations capable of producing power for 7 million homes are due to shut within the next few months – that’s about 8 per cent of national capacity. Several others are expected to announce their closure soon.

“The dearth of replacements is a result of the dire lack of clear policy on everything from green subsidies to pollution taxes, power bosses argue.

55th Oilbarrel Conference Tuesday 13th November 2012

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Tuesday 13th November 2012

The Brewery
Chiswell Street
London EC1Y 4SD
(Nearest stations are Moorgate and Liverpool Street)

Presenting Companies Include:

Eland Oil and Gas

Faroe Petroleum

Bridge Energy

Chariot Oil & Gas

Argos Resources

President Petroleum

Click Here to Register or contact support@oilbarrel.com

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Press releases
November 08, 2012 - Global Energy Development Engagement of financial advisor
November 08, 2012 - Spitfire Oil PRELIMINARY RESULTS
November 08, 2012 - Hardy Oil & Gas Plc Interim Management Statement 
November 08, 2012 - New World Oil & Gas Drilling Update, Belize
November 08, 2012 - Global Petroleum Director/PDMR Shareholding 
November 08, 2012 - Gulf Keystone Petroleum Sheikh Adi-2 Exploration Well Discovery
November 08, 2012 - Green Dragon Gas Operations Update
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November 07, 2012 - Urals Energy Arbitration update and tanker loading
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November 07, 2012 - Texon Petroleum Ltd Current Drilling Wells Update
November 06, 2012 - Victoria Oil & Gas Plc Second Price Monitoring Extn 
November 06, 2012 - Victoria Oil & Gas Plc Price Monitoring Extension 
November 06, 2012 - Eland Oil & Gas Plc Holding(s) in Company 
November 06, 2012 - Tullow Oil plc Block Listing Six Monthly Return 
November 06, 2012 - Ceres Power Holdings Wind down of Business
November 06, 2012 - Kea Petroleum PLC Posting of Annual Report and Notice of AGM
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November 06, 2012 - President Energy PLC Total Voting Rights and Share Capital
November 06, 2012 - Serica Energy plc Results of Spaniards East Well
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November 06, 2012 - President Energy PLC NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 
November 06, 2012 - President Energy PLC TR-1 Notification
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November 01, 2012 - Rockhopper Exploration Total Voting Rights 
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November 01, 2012 - Soco International Interim Management Statement
November 01, 2012 - Circle Oil plc Operating Update Tunisia 
November 01, 2012 - Nighthawk Energy plc Drilling Update 
November 01, 2012 - Silvermere Energy PLC Operations Update
November 01, 2012 - Nostra Terra Oil & Gas Company PLC Bale Creek Drilling Update
November 01, 2012 - Genel Energy Interim Management Statement 
November 01, 2012 - Max Petroleum Holding(s) in Company
November 01, 2012 - FX Energy Inc FX Energy Schedules Third Quarter 2012...
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