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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Oilbarrel Newsletter 14th November 2012

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Oilbarrel Weekly Roundup 8th - 14th November 2012
Weekly Review

Oilbarrel.com’s 55th conference saw us move back to the venue where we held our first event back in 2004, the historic former Whitbread Brewery on Chiswell Street.  Eight years ago there were just 80 delegates; this week the room was packed to capacity with over 400 people registered for the event (so much so that the lunch time wine eventually ran dry, to much grumbling…) 

The enthusiastic throng of executives and investors meant the first presenter of the day, Paul Welch, CEO of Chariot Oil & Gas, had the less than enviable task of addressing his company’s recent drillbit failures in Namibia in front of a room of very disappointed investors.  Welch, a former Shell and Pioneer Natural Resources executive, took it on the chin, admitting that Mother Nature had got one over the company this year.  He stressed, however, the many remaining attractions of the Chariot portfolio, which has now expanded to include acreage offshore Mauritania and Morocco (the AIM company is now the eighth largest acreage holder offshore West Africa).

The company holds a huge swathe of acreage offshore Namibia, where this year it drilled the highly anticipated Tapir South and Kabeljou wells, events that sent the share price into a tail spin from which they have yet to recovery (they are currently at 26 pence, a fraction of the placing price of 250 pence in April 2012).

“How are we doing? Well, at the moment we are two nil down and the crowd is getting a little restless at half time,” acknowledged Welch.  “But we have learned a lot from the first half.”

Welch took the wells in reverse order, looking first at the Kabeljou-1 well on the giant Nimrod prospect inChariot’s Southern Area blocks, where it is partner by BP and Petrobras. This was a prospect that had looked so promising on the seismic, with very vivid bright spot over the entire 500 sq km structure but the reservoir quality was found to be of poorer quality than expected.  This data can now be calibrated with the seismic dataset to look for areas of thicker pay and better quality.  The company expects to complete this data-crunching by the end of Q1 2013.

“The deepwater environment is unforgiving,” added Welch.  “Onshore in somewhere like West Texas this would be promising but it was never going to fly in these water depths.  In deep water, you need good quality reservoir and a lot of it to be commercial.”

He dismissed investor concerns that the company’s partners, deepwater heavyweights Petrobras and BP, who shouldered the costs of this eye-wateringly expensive well, might exit the venture after this disappointment. Welch pointed out that when the well reached TD and was clearly a duster all the partners committed to collecting as much data as possible rather than cutting their losses and walking away.  The key test of whether he’s right, however, will come in August 2013 at the next renewal of the acreage. “That’s when everyone will put their cards on the table but from my perspective it looks like everyone is in for the long haul,” said Welch.

The Tapir South well in the Northern Blocks, which Chariot drilled on a 100 per cent basis, found thick and very good quality reservoir in the Lower Cretaceous but the source rock was immature in this area. “If we were to come back in another 10,000 years it would be just right but we can’t wait that long,” quipped Welch, adding that the company hopes to spud its next well here in the second half of 2013 drawing on lessons from the wildcat.

No wells have yet been drilled in the Central Area blocks as the 3,500 sq km of 3D seismic is still being processed. An updated CPR is due out next, with plans to open a data room in the first week of February 2012 to attract farm-in partners to spud a first well in the second half of the year. Water depths aren’t as expensive here so drilling costs won’t be as high and, said Welch, companies are already expressing an interest in the project.  “We expect it to be easily farm-out-able,” he said confidently.

Whatever the geological lessons learned from the events of 2012, the commercial lessons have been just as important: over-reliance on one project, even one with the play diversity and scale of Chariot’s Namibian portfolio, can leave the share price dangerously exposed when wells fail to deliver.  Chariot has taken swift action on this, adding exciting new projects in Mauritania and Morocco.

Click Here to read more of the Conference Report 1


56th Oilbarrel Conference Tuesday 11th December 2012

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Tuesday 11th December 2012

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