Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

| 06.04.13 | Critical Bank of America settlement trial gets underway

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June 4, 2013
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Today's Top Stories

  1. What does it take to be a stock broker these days?
  2. SAC Capital could become a family office
  3. Critical Bank of America settlement trial gets underway
  4. Prosecutors all-in with SAC Capital
  5. Goldman Sachs vs. Bloomberg in battle of heavyweights

Also Noted: Spotlight On... Are hedge funds the savior of pensions?
Fidelity fund cuts Apple stake; NYSE Euronext deal approved and much more...

News From the Fierce Network:
1. Does Jeff Skilling deserve to get out of jail early?
2. Cost benefit analysis sill an issue with SEC rules
3. New approach to security takes root

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> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012
> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London
> Public Funds Summit East - July 22-24 - Newport, RI - Newport Marriott
> 2013 ABA National and Graduate Trust Schools - September 22-27 - Atlanta, GA
> The 2013 Cyber Security Summit: September 25th New York, NY - September 25 - New York, NY
> ABA Compliance Schools - October 19-25 - Atlanta, GA


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Today's Top News

1. What does it take to be a stock broker these days?

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

What does it take to become a stock broker these days?

There's the hoary romantic ideal. You get on with one of the wirehouses after college or after a few years of employment, you go through a training program, you beat the odds to be offered a job, you cold call for hours a day, you slowly build a client list with firm support and you forge a career over decades.

The industry has always been pretty tough to break into. It's by design that you must clear some pretty high bars. For those of you who thought that would-be brokers have it easy because cold calling is out of vogue, think again. The industry would now have aspirants go cold-knocking. That's right. They train you to knock on doors in affluent neighborhoods selling your services.

The question for the industry is whether all this still makes sense. Is this really how you train brokers?

"Until you actually go out and hit the pavement, it doesn't really sink in," said one former broker trainee, as quoted by Bloomberg. "It's not impossible, but it's definitely not sustainable if you have a family or anything to do besides knocking on doors."

This looms as a big issue as firms are now "struggling to replace a retiring generation of advisers who helped accumulate trillions of dollars of assets and generated steady profits for years."

Of course, the rise of RIA firms has played a big role in this as well. But how will the traditional stock broker industry replenish its ranks over the long-term? Most firms remain committed to traditional training, though they are hiring fewer trainees.

At some point, a better model will have to emerge. Does it make more sense for young people to pass the Series 65, for which no firm sponsor is required, throw out their own shingle, and then get entrepreneurial?

For more:
- here's the article

Read more about: Stock Brokers
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This week's sponsor is Dell AppAssure.

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2. SAC Capital could become a family office

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The drumbeat of news regarding SAC Capital and founder Steven Cohen has been loud and up-tempo.

One motif is the extent to which limited partners will throw up their hands and say, "enough." More are apparently intent on that. As a crucial redemption deadline passes, the media is rife with reports that Blackstone Group and Morgan Stanley are ready to make a big withdrawal request. The former is said to be on the brink of redeeming about $550 million, perhaps at the request of its investors. Morgan Stanley is said to be withdrawing its entire investment of $180 million. Others will likely follow suit.

The big question at this point is whether the redemption requests have become so large that the firm will decide that the best course is to return all outside money to limited partners and essentially exist as a family office, investing funds for Cohen and employees. It would retain roughly $9 billion in assets under management, almost all of it Cohen's.

Such a move might make sense as the level of funds the firm is fighting to retain dwindles. At some point, the fight is no longer worth it. Every time an investor decides to yank funds -- even one as small as the 92nd street Y -- it becomes yet another negative news story.

You certainly can't blame limited partners for wanting out. Some big milestones loom, and we'll know soon whether the firm or Cohen will be indicted criminally or civilly.

For more:
- here's a CNN article

Related Articles:
Lawyers debate the meaning of Cohen subpoena
What sort of deal is Steven Cohen seeking?
Moment of truth approaches for Steven Cohen, SAC Capital

Read more about: insider trading, SAC Capital
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3. Critical Bank of America settlement trial gets underway

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

When Bank of America announced in June 2011 that it was settling mortgage-related warranty and misrepresentation issues with big-named investors for just $8.5 billion, it was immediately praised as a coup. But the deal was too good for other bondholders, who attacked the "sweetheart deal" with a legal vengeance.  

The issue has been held up in court, but the significance remains high. Some have argued, for example, that by relying on the $8.5 billion settlement, the bank has set aside too little in reserves to cover the future costs of litigation. If the $8.5 billion is a drastically low figure, it stands to reason that the bank will need billions more to cover the litigation costs. Analyst Mike Mayo once suggested that the more likely costs will be in the $25 billion to $30 billion range.

The issue has heated up again as a trial in New York state court gets underway this week, pitting Bank of America against AIG and others, which oppose the $8.5 billion settlement.

"AIG's lawyers are expected to produce emails between BNY Mellon and its lawyers," according to the Financial Times.

"The AIG side will say that the documents – which were delivered after a court order last week – prove that BNY Mellon was not interested in achieving the best possible deal for investors. The trustee's lawyers will argue that they show the opposite. BofA, BNY Mellon and the 22 investors, with Kathy Patrick, the Texas-based primary lawyer at Gibbs & Bruns, are all pushing for a narrow case: all the court needs to decide, they argue, is whether BNY Mellon acted reasonably in approving the deal. AIG's lawyers will argue for an expansive exploration of the motives of the parties and, crucially, an examination of the price tag."

At stake is a resolution to issues over bonds worth $424 billion, and $108 billion of losses. It should be fun.

For more:
- here's the article

Related Articles:
Delays at all levels in mortgage settlements
Bank of America wins legal victory for MBS settlement
Bank of America and MBIA settle nasty legal dispute

Read more about: Bank of America, MBS
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4. Prosecutors all-in with SAC Capital

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

There has been plenty of speculation lately as to whether the Justice Department would ink a deferred prosecution agreement with SAC Capital that would allow the firm to exist in some form in exchange for radical changes at the compliance level, as well as huge fines.

SAC Capital was rumored to have floated such a possibility with prosecutors. At this point, however, such an agreement, which would be great news for SAC Capital and terrible news for critics of the firm, seems to be off the table. The relationship between the embattled hedge fund and prosecutors has chilled. DealBook reports flat out that the latter are not considering such a deal. They would appear to be "all in" in terms of a criminal indictment.

While the tea leaves continue to suggest that prosecutors are more likely to bring criminal charges against the firm than against Cohen, anything is possible. If either Michael Steinberg or Matthew Martoma decide to cooperate, a personal criminal indictment becomes much more likely.

If the two would-be witnesses remain steadfast, the best choice for charges may be another civil case by the SEC, perhaps for failure to supervise. That may be the fallback option for the government, as nine former employees have been implicated in insider trading cases.

For more:
- here's the article

Related Articles:
Another SAC exec subpoenaed
Lawyers debate the meaning of Cohen subpoena
What sort of deal is Steven Cohen seeking?
Moment of truth approaches for Steven Cohen, SAC Capital


Read more about: insider trading, SAC Capital
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5. Goldman Sachs vs. Bloomberg in battle of heavyweights

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The high-stakes controversy over Bloomberg terminals began with a Goldman Sachs executive voicing reservations to her boss about a Bloomberg employee's questions concerning the whereabouts of another executive. The reporter had noted that the executive hadn't logged into his terminal in a while.

The battle escalated to the highest level of intensity, according to a DealBook article, after Goldman Sachs top PR executive Jake Siewert, a former Treasury official and Clinton Administration official, decided to get involved.

There has been much suspicion over possible Bloomberg snooping via terminals on Wall Street.

"The grumbling and gossiping never amounted to much until Mr. Siewert, who joined Goldman last year, began his mission," Dealbook noted.  

Siewert's first move "was to find out whether Bloomberg had guidelines prohibiting reporters from using terminals to further their reporting.…Siewert ended up calling more than half a dozen former Bloomberg reporters, most of whom now work at The Wall Street Journal. Most of those acknowledged using the terminal to further their reporting, or said they knew people who had done so. At the same time, Mr. Siewert contacted a number of public relations executives on Wall Street and in Washington. Several executives told Mr. Siewert that they too had previous episodes of Bloomberg reporters' checking the whereabouts of employees, but had not been concerned enough to take the issue up with Bloomberg."

In the end, Goldman Sachs, led by Siewert, confronted Bloomberg and the rest is history.

So what is the point of Goldman Sachs executives making all this known via the press?

There's a new sheriff in town on the PR front. Siewert is a man of influence and power, and it's in the best interests of Goldman Sachs to make that known to the world. This issue was a good vehicle to make that case.

For more:
- here's the article

Related Articles:
Goldman Sachs remains wary of Bloomberg
Bloomberg admits surveillance of executives' terminals


Read more about: Public Relations, Pr
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Also Noted

SPOTLIGHT ON... Are hedge funds the savior of pensions?

As pensions continue to boost allocations to alternatives, some have suggested that they are getting sucked into a losing proposition. But one pension executive thinks that hedge funds represent the solution to their woes, and thinks more pensions should embrace what macro hedge funds do well, notably, using sophisticated risk management tools to lower volatility and heighten returns. Of course, most pensions would be happy with just higher returns. Article

Company news: 
>SAC investors could pull billions more. Article
>Fidelity fund cuts Apple stake. Article
>Carlyle buys remaining stake in Aplinvest. Article
>NYSE Euronext deal approved. Article
>Morgan Stanley on corn plantings. Article
Industry news:
>Dell's uncertain future. Article
>Buffet lunch auction bids step up. Article
>Gold rout prompts shifts. Article
>Study: Buyout ownership hurt performance. Article
And finally…Mayor Bloomberg expands soda fight to juices. Article


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