Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Friday, January 4, 2013

FinNews for January 4, 2013

FinNews for January 4, 2013

Top Stories

A deal to avoid the fiscal cliff was finally passed by Congress this week.  Estimates show that 77 percent of Americans will encounter higher federal taxes in 2013.  However, the package does extend most "Bush-era tax cuts for individuals making less than $400,000 and married couples making less than $450,000." (1)  During the U.S. Fed Reserve's December meeting, concerns over financial stability and portfolio assets – topping 2 trillion dollars – had policy makers looking to back away from quantitative easing sooner than expected. (2)  Claims for unemployment benefits rose by 10,000 to 372,000 for the week ended Dec. 29, surpassing economists forecast of 360,000 claims. (3) Despite the rise in unemployment claims and a steady 7.8 unemployment rate, the U.S. added 155,000 new jobs in December.  Analysts' forecasts were only slightly lower, calling for a gain of 150,000. (4)  Strong hiring in both manufacturing and construction were behind the growth. (5)

Economic Releases & Statistics

The Institute for Supply Management's factory index only slightly exceeded economists' expectations, reaching 50.7 verses estimates for a reading of 50.5. (6)  After being below 50 for six months, export orders finally rose to growth territory at 51.5 percent. (7)  Employment in manufacturing also rose above 50 to 52.7 percent. (8)  According to Thomson Reuters Same-Store Sales Index, retail sales gained 4.5 percent in December, surpassing analysts' forecasts of a 3.3 percent increase. (9)  Construction spending declined for the first time in eight months.  The 0.3 percent decrease brought total spending down to a seasonally adjusted annual of $866 billion.  Analysts had forecasted a gain of 0.6 percent. (10) 

Stocks & Earnings

Monday, the last trading day of the year, brought about many ups and downs for the U.S. stock market as government leaders voiced their opinions as to whether a last minute deal to avoid the fiscal cliff could be met.  As optimism rose, so did the S&P 500, which closed 2012 with its strongest yearly gain since 2009 of 13.4 percent. (11)  Now that the Tribune finished its bankruptcy filings on Monday, they are expected to begin selling assets in the coming months.  Until then, they have been granted "a $300 million loan to finance its continuing operations, as well as a $1.1 billion loan to finance its reorganization." The company also intends to provide "100 million shares of new class A common stock and new class B common stock" to former creditors. (12)  Wegelin, Switzerland's oldest bank, will shut down after paying $57.8 million in tax evasion fines to U.S. authorities. (13) 

Global Currencies

The dollar rose 1.2 percent to 88.30 yen after the release of the Fed Reserve's intentions to end asset purchases. (14)  However, the U.S. jobs data released Friday put-off such intentions, thus causing the dollar to fall from its highest point versus the yen since July 2010. (15)  Strong employment data showing an increase of 39,800 jobs in Canada had the Canadian dollar trading at C$0.9858 to the U.S. dollar, or $1.0144. (16)

Oil & Energies

The American Petroleum Institute reported a 12.032 million barrel drop in crude-oil supplies, which is a stark contrast to the 1 million barrel-drop projected by analysts.  Distillate stocks also varied from forecasts, rising 6.7 million barrels verses a 1.6 million barrel increase expected by analysts. (17)  According to the EIA, natural gas inventories fell more than anticipated last week, dropping by 135 billion cubic feet to 3.517 trillion cubic feet.  Analysts forecasted a 130 bcf drop. (18) Consequently, natural gas futures rose for the first time in four sessions in response to Friday's report.  Futures for February delivery were up a little over 2 percent to $3.267 per million British thermal units. (19)

Grains & Field Crops

India has increased the minimum purchase price of wheat procured by the government to $24.61 per 100 kilograms.  The 5 percent increase will take effect April 1st and "may boost local wheat prices unless the government sells more grain in the open market at subsidized rates." (20)  Argentina government dropped its first wheat crop estimate of 11.5 million tonnes to 10.5 million tonnes, as previous wet weather conditions brought about fungus-based diseases resulting in bad yields. (21)  Thursday, the USDA reported that China canceled a soybean delivery of 315,000 tonnes planned for the 2012-13 crop year. (22)

Precious Metals

After the report that the U.S. Fed Reserve intends to stop asset purchases before the end of the year, gold dropped 1 percent to $1,647.35 an ounce.  This week will mark its sixth weekly loss and its longest weekly decline since 2004. (23)  The news also resulted in a 3 percent, or 94 cents, drop in silver for March delivery bringing it to $29.78 an ounce. (24)

Other Commodities

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported a 0.5 percent increase in the U.S. hog-breeding herd from last quarter.  Analysts predicted a 0.8 decline due to the rising cost of corn.  A lock in on feed costs is thought to be behind the increase.  In spite of an expected drop of 0.5 percent, there was little change in hog and pig inventories – up 66.361 million from a year earlier to 66.348 million as of Dec. 1. (25)  The unexpected increase in sow herd caused hog futures for February settlement to fall 1.4 percent, its lowest point in nearly two weeks, to 85.2 cent a pound. (26)  The price of Arabica coffee fell 52 percent during 2012, due to a record setting crop of 50.8m bags in Brazil and analysts forecasting a surplus of 4.1m-bags in 2012-13. With a market surplus, coffee price estimates for 2013 continue to look bearish. (27)  Futures of frozen orange-juice concentrate for January delivery fell 7.5 percent, or 9.45 cents, to $1.1605 a pound.  A decrease in U.S. demand, as well as good weather forecasts for Florida, brought orange juice to its lowest point since November. (28)  For the year, orange juice futures lost a staggering 31 percent. (29)


Date Currency Event GMT Forecast Previous
6-Jan Sun JPY JPY Official Reserve Assets 23:50   $1270.9B
JPY JPY Monetary Base (YoY) 23:50
JPY JPY Loans & Discounts Corp (YoY) 23:50 0.30%
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (MoM) -0.70%
EUR EUR German Wholesale Price Index (YoY) 3.20%
GBP GBP New Car Registrations (YoY) 11.30%
GBP GBP Lloyds Employment Confidence 00:01 -42.00
7-Jan Mon JPY JPY Vehicle Sales (YoY) 05:00   -3.30%
CHF CHF Foreign Currency Reserves 08:00 423.0B 424.8B
EUR EUR Euro-zone Sentix Investor Confidence 09:30 -13.80 -16.80
EUR EUR Euro-zone Producer Price Index (YoY) 10:00 2.40% 2.60%
EUR EUR Euro-zone Producer Price Index (MoM) 10:00 -0.10% 0.10%
CAD CAD Ivey Purchasing Managers Index s.a. 15:00 47.50
AUD AUD AiG Performance of Construction Index 22:30 37.00
GBP GBP BRC Sales Like-For-Like (YoY) 00:01 0.70% 0.40%
AUD AUD Trade Balance (Australian Dollar) 00:30 -2300M -2088M
8-Jan Tue AUD AUD Foreign Reserves (Australian Dollar) 05:30   A$46.2B
CHF CHF Unemployment Rate 06:45 3.30% 3.10%
CHF CHF Unemployment Rate s.a. 06:45 3.00% 3.00%
EUR EUR German Trade Balance (euros) 07:00 15.8B
EUR EUR German Imports s.a. (MoM) 07:00 2.50%
EUR EUR German Current Account (euros) 07:00 13.6B
EUR EUR German Exports s.a. (MoM) 07:00 0.30%
EUR EUR Italian Unemployment Rate s.a. 09:00 11.10%
EUR EUR Euro-zone Retail Sales (MoM) 10:00 0.30% -1.20%
EUR EUR Euro-zone Retail Sales (YoY) 10:00 -2.10% -3.60%
EUR EUR Euro-zone Unemployment Rate 10:00 11.80% 11.70%
EUR EUR Euro-zone Industrial Confidence 10:00 -14.50 -15.10
EUR EUR Euro-zone Services Confidence 10:00 -11.50 -11.90
EUR EUR Euro-zone Consumer Confidence 10:00 -26.60 -26.60
EUR EUR Euro-zone Business Climate Indicator 10:00 -1.08 -1.19
EUR EUR Euro-zone Economic Confidence 10:00 86.40 85.70
EUR EUR German Factory Orders n.s.a. (YoY) 11:00 -0.40% -2.40%
EUR EUR German Factory Orders s.a. (MoM) 11:00 -1.50% 3.90%
USD USD NFIB Small Business Optimism 12:30 87.20 87.50
USD USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism 15:00 45.10
USD USD Consumer Credit 20:00 $13.250B $14.158B
NZD NZD Building Permits (MoM) 21:45 -1.50%
CNY CNY Industrial Production YTD (YoY) 10.00%
CNY CNY Fixed Assets Inv Excl. Rural YTD (YoY) 20.70%
CNY CNY Consumer Price Index (YoY) 2.00%
CNY CNY Producer Price Index (YoY) -2.20%
CNY CNY Industrial Production (YoY) 10.10%
CNY CNY Retail Sales (YoY) 14.90%
CNY CNY Retail Sales YTD (YoY) 14.20%
GBP GBP BRC Shop Price Index (YoY) 00:01 1.50%
AUD AUD Job Vacancies 00:30 4.20%
AUD AUD Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) 00:30 0.30% 0.00%
9-Jan Wed GBP GBP Trade Balance Non EU (Pounds) 09:30 -£4200 -£4532
GBP GBP Visible Trade Balance (Pounds) 09:30 -£9000 -£9539
GBP GBP Total Trade Balance (Pounds) 09:30 -£3000 -£3644
EUR EUR German Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) 11:00 1.00% -2.60%
EUR EUR German Industrial Production n.s.a. and w.d.a. (YoY) 11:00 -2.90% -3.70%
USD USD MBA Mortgage Applications 12:00 -10.40%
CAD CAD Housing Starts 13:15 196.1K
NZD NZD Trade Balance (New Zealand dollars) 21:45 -670M -718M
NZD NZD Balance (YTD) (New Zealand dollars) 21:45 -1429M -1367M
NZD NZD Exports (New Zealand dollars) 21:45 3.55B 3.46B
NZD NZD Imports (New Zealand dollars) 21:45 4.20B 4.18B
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) 23:50
JPY JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) 23:50
CNY CNY Foreign Exchange Reserves $3317.0B $3290.0B
CNY CNY Money Supply - M0 (YoY) 11.20% 10.70%
CNY CNY Money Supply - M1 (YoY) 6.00% 5.50%
CNY CNY Money Supply - M2 (YoY) 14.00% 13.90%
CNY CNY Imports (YoY) 3.30% 0.00%
CNY CNY Trade Balance (USD) $20.05B $19.63B
CNY CNY Business Climate Index 122.80
CNY CNY Entrepreneur Confidence Index 116.50
CNY CNY New Yuan Loans 550.0B 522.9B
CNY CNY Exports (YoY) 5.00% 2.90%
NZD NZD ANZ Commodity Price 00:00 1.00%
AUD AUD Building Approvals (YoY) 00:30 14.50%
AUD AUD Building Approvals (MoM) 00:30 -7.60%
10-Jan Thu GBP GBP Bank of England Rate Decision 12:00 0.50% 0.50%
GBP GBP BOE Asset Purchase Target 12:00 375B 375B
EUR EUR European Central Bank Rate Decision 12:45 0.75% 0.75%
EUR EUR ECB Deposit Facility Rate 12:45 0.00% 0.00%
USD USD Initial Jobless Claims 13:30 365K 372K
USD USD Continuing Claims 13:30 3245K
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (MoM) 13:30 0.20%
CAD CAD New Housing Price Index (YoY) 13:30 2.40%
CAD CAD Building Permits (MoM) 13:30 15.00%
USD USD Wholesale Inventories 15:00 0.30% 0.60%
USD USD JOLTs Job Openings 15:00 3675.00
USD USD Fed's George Speaks on Economic Outlook in Kansas City 18:10
USD USD Fed's Bullard Speaks on Economy in Wisconsin 19:00
JPY JPY Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 -¥30.1B ¥376.9B
JPY JPY Adjusted Current Account Total (Yen) 23:50 ¥310.0B ¥414.1B
JPY JPY Trade Balance - BOP Basis (Yen) 23:50 -¥831.0B -¥450.3B
JPY JPY Current Account Balance (YoY) 23:50 -84.10% -29.40%
JPY JPY Bank Lending Banks ex-Trust 23:50 1.30%
JPY JPY Bank Lending incl Trusts (YoY) 23:50
JPY JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Current 40.00
JPY JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook 41.90
USD USD Fed's Kocherlakota Speaks in Town Hall Meeting in Minneapolis 01:00
11-Jan Fri CHF CHF Consumer Price Index (MoM) 08:15 -0.10% -0.30%
CHF CHF Consumer Price Index (YoY) 08:15 -0.30% -0.40%
CHF CHF CPI - EU Harmonised (MoM) 08:15 -0.50%
CHF CHF CPI - EU Harmonised (YoY) 08:15 -0.10%
GBP GBP Manufacturing Production (MoM) 09:30 0.50% -1.30%
GBP GBP Industrial Production (MoM) 09:30 0.80% -0.80%
GBP GBP Industrial Production (YoY) 09:30 -2.00% -3.00%
GBP GBP Manufacturing Production (YoY) 09:30 -1.30% -2.10%
USD USD Import Price Index (YoY) 13:30 -1.60%
USD USD Trade Balance 13:30 -$41.3B -$42.2B
CAD CAD International Merchandise Trade (Canadian dollar) 13:30 -0.17B
USD USD Import Price Index (MoM) 13:30 0.10% -0.90%
USD USD Fed's Plosser Speaks on Economic Outlook in New Jersey 14:30
GBP GBP NIESR Gross Domestic Product Estimate 15:00 0.10%
USD USD Monthly Budget Statement 19:00 -$22.5B

(1) http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/politics/chi-fiscal-cliff-impact-20130102,0,355332.story

(2) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/federal-reserve-signals-unease-with-qe-and-an-end-in-2013/article6909107/

(3) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-03/jobless-claims-in-u-s-rose-more-than-forecast-in-holiday-week.html

(4) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/04/us-markets-global-idUSBRE88901C20130104

(5) http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505123_162-57562015/jobs-report-economy-added-155k-jobs-in-december/

(6) http://www.foxbusiness.com/news/2013/01/02/ism-manufacturing-index-rises-in-dec/

(7) http://www.marketwatch.com/story/pmitm-at-507-december-manufacturing-ism-report-on-business-new-orders-production-and-


(8) http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/01/02/ism-manufacturing-index-december/1803879/

(9) http://www.cnbc.com/id/100351993

(10) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/02/us-construction-spending-idUSBRE9010CK20130102

(11) http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/31/us-markets-stocks-idUSBRE8BG0D620121231

(12) http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/31/tribune-co-emerges-from-bankruptcy/

(13) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20907359

(14)  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-03/dollar-advances-to-2010-high-versus-yen-before-u-s-jobs-report.html

(15) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/04/markets-forex-idUSL1E9C42T320130104

(16) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/04/markets-canada-dollar-bonds-idUSL1E9C42FJ20130104

(17) http://www.platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/Oil/6983628

(18) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-04/natural-futures-gain-on-outlook-for-above-average-stockpile-drop.html

 (19) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/04/markets-nymex-natgas-idUSL1E9C42EH20130104

(20) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-26/india-to-raise-wheat-price-by-5-approves-additional-exports.html

(21) http://www.iol.co.za/business/markets/commodities/good-weather-seen-for-argentine-soy-1.1447363#.UOZKo29lFOM

(22) http://www.agprofessional.com/news/The-ag-markets-are-awaiting-the-export-sales-reports-185643002.html

(23) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-04/gold-seen-rallying-from-worst-streak-in-three-years-commodities.html

(24) http://www.marketwatch.com/story/gold-silver-futures-tumble-after-fed-minutes-2013-01-03

(25) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-28/hog-breeding-herd-unexpectedly-rises-amid-weak-profit-outlook.html

(26) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-31/hogs-drop-to-two-week-low-on-bigger-sow-herd-cattle-steady.html

(27) http://www.agrimoney.com/feature/arabica-coffee-prices---will-they-heat-up-in-2013--184.html

(28) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324274404578213762720140942.html

(29) http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/31/markets-commodities-idUSL1E8NV10320121231

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