Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

BLOG MOVED 2 http://finance-world-breaking-news.blogspot.com/

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Poem for All Investors

My take on "Twas the Night before Christmas Poem"

....Jurgens Bauer, author of Options Radar a Futures Press Inc. Service

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through land, Many companies sat idle with cash in their hand.

Investors weren't cozy as bulls or as bears, But held fast onto stocks, 401K's in common shares.

Bernanke was comfy as head of the Fed,

While MFG clients wished Jon Corzine were dead.

The Main Street Media prepared a recap,

As chartists kept seeking a breakaway gap.

When over in Europe there arose such a clamor, Investors got neutral to avoid being hammered.

Away to the short side I flew like a flash, Pressed a button and oops, my bad - don't have the cash.

Politicos gathered to put forth a good show Giving new luster to gold on which to bestow.

When, what to my trading screen suddenly appeared, An Option Radar recommendation, now isn't that weird?

With a fat balding trader, so thrifty and hip, I knew in a moment to follow his blip.

More rapid than any contagion attack,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called out watch your back!

"Now Romney! now, Gingrich! now, Perry, not Cain!

To re-elect Obama would be so insane!

To inflate the economy! Oh the shame of it all!

Now buy puts, or buy spreads or even a call!"

Australian crops suffered because its so dry, And in Pakistan floods made all want to cry.

So piling onto dollars investors they flew, With the sleigh full of BS and more promises too.

Take no responsibility, no burden of proof, Just hemming and hawing twas the system went poof.

The banks started turning everything headed down, As back came the dollar, oh what a rebound.

On the hedge fund managers was placed so much blame, As algorithm programs played markets like games.

As I watched in horror the trend line bend, But follow it along as it is your friend.

It took quite a while, but some say the blunder, Wasn't really believed til a major bank went under!

The actions on the part of the Federal Reserve, Seemed proper procedure ahead of the curve.

But loaning the money to those who can't pay, Had already resulted in the housing decay.

So how in the world could different results be expected, As little by little the whole world became infected!

He is chubby and plump, a right jolly old gent, And He laughed when we all saw the Black Swan event!

A rally in metals and a sell off in cattle, But not to worry my friend as your long the straddle.

Seldom joining up with the thundering herd, A contrarian view doesn't seem so absurd.

And laying his fat finger on the wrong trading button, Well what can I lose? Let's go double or nutten!

So he sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like an Iranian missile.

But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, buy options outright!"

Happy Holidays,

Jurgens Bauer

orJurgens serves up a holiday gift for you

Jurgens authors Options Radar, a new options trade alert service from Futures Press Inc. Options Radar provides traders with Jurgens’ more than 20 years trading in the pits as one of the pioneers of options in the futures industry. The service includes regular trade alerts, a Monday portfolio and market review, and a bi-monthly subscriber mailbag to help you learn more about options trading from a true veteran in the industry. Futures Press and Jurgens Bauer are bringing you an incredible holiday offer – receive Options Radar for all of 2012, a full year of trade recs and market analysis, at 70% off the $990 price.  Buy it by December 31st, 2011 and pay just $297!

Click here for 1 year of Options Radar Premium for $990 - 70% off - Just $297!



Disclaimer:  There is risk of loss in all commodities trading.  Losses can exceed your account size and/or margin requirements. Commodities trading can be extremely risky and is not for everyone. Fundamental factors, seasonal and weather trends, daily news, and other current events may have already been factored into the markets. It is important to note that options and futures markets are separate and distinct and do not necessarily respond in the same way to similar market conditions. Option prices do not move in lockstep with changes in the underlying futures market price. Strategies using combinations of positions such as spreads and straddles are no less risky than taking straight long or short futures or options positions. Total cost, or cost/credit of trade DO NOT include commissions and fees unless otherwise specified. These costs should be factored into any trade design in determining its breakeven point, profit and/or loss scenarios, and in the upfront cost factor of the trade.  Educate yourself on the risks and rewards of such investing prior to trading.  Futures Press Inc., the publisher, and/or its affiliates, staff or anyone associated with Futures Press, Inc. or www.optionsradar.com, do not guarantee profits or pre-determined loss points, and are not held monetarily responsible for the trading losses of others (subscribers or otherwise).  Past results are by no means indicative of potential future returns. Information provided is compiled by sources believed to be reliable.  Futures Press, Inc., and/or its principals, assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions as the information may not be complete or events may have been canceled or rescheduled.  Any copy, reprint, broadcast or distribution of this report of any kind is prohibited without the expressed written consent of Futures Press, Inc.


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