Kumaresan Selvaraj pillai

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Friday, May 11, 2012

| 05.11.12 | Zoe Cruz shutters her hedge fund

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May 11, 2012
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This week's sponsor is NFC Payments Europe 2012.

250+ senior executive attendees  

Today's Top Stories
1. Zoe Cruz shutters her hedge fund
2. Bank of America management prevails despite protests
3. CFPB weighs in on mortgage origination fees
4. Morgan Stanley's stock gain weak, as rating issue lingers

Editor's Corner: JPMorgan "hedges" look like prop bets

Also Noted: Aternity
Spotlight On... PIMCO ETF sets new standard
Fortress to close commodities fund; Facebook adds risks to filing; and much more...

News From the Fierce Network:
1. Financial services firms power ECM market
2. Mobile banking to rescue under-banked communities
3. FPGAs making inroads in finance

This week's sponsor is OpenText

eBook: Enterprise Content Management and Delivery in Financial Services

The financial crisis of 2008 ushered in a new era of bottom-line challenges as well as regulatory scrutiny, affecting all aspects of business. While information technology budgets have been crushed, a few bright spots have emerged. Among the brightest: enterprise content management. Download this latest eBook from FierceFinance to learn more about this rapidly evolving aspect of the financial industry.

Editor's Corner

JPMorgan "hedges" look like prop bets

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: There's a fine line between proprietary trading and hedging.

And to be frank, you've got to wonder whether some banks might be able to use that "fine line" to continuing making proprietary bets that would be problematic under the coming Volcker Rule. This might sound overly accusatory, but in light of the $2 billion loss in the office of the JPMorgan CIO, it's become a fair question.

Back in April, Bloomberg noted that this office was re-jiggered over the last five years, with a mandate to generate big profits as opposed to "protecting JPMorgan from risks inherent in its banking business, such as interest-rate and currency movements." The April article was quite prescient when it said, some of the "bets"  have become "so large that JPMorgan probably can't unwind them without losing money or roiling financial markets, the former executives said, based on knowledge gleaned from people inside the bank and dealers at other firms."

That presaged the massive $2 billion loss from the unit that exploded in headlines, embarrassing the company and CEO Jamie Dimon. The hedges seem to be a little understood web of trades that involved big CDS index bets and then some hedges built around those bets. The company is pitching all this as one massive hedge, but it seems more like a directional betting with some hedges on top that just didn't work out.

That said, there's a case to be made that hedging was indeed the point. Some speculate that the point was not to hedge bond risk per se but as part of a complex inflation hedge. In any case, the bank ended up with massive positions that roiled markets and proved to be too large to unwind without huge losses. And that opens up a whole can of complex issues. These trades may have worked out in the past. The CIO shop apparently generated $5 billion in profit in 2010, but not this time.

One big issue now is whether there will be ramifications in terms of the Volcker Rule. Some might think that this would buttress the case for the rule. To others, it proves that banks can so muddy the distinctions between proscribed activity (prop trading) and allowed activity (hedging) that the rule will be toothless.

What do you think?    -Jim

Read more about: Volcker Rule, JPMorgan
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Sponsor: NexJ


> Investment Consultants Forum - The Crowne Plaza Times Square, New York, NY - March 2, 2012
> NFC Ticketing Europe 2012 - March 20-21 - London
> Fair Lending--Beyond the Basics -- ABA Telephone Briefing - May 22
> Leveraging Operational Benchmarks ABA Telephone Briefing - May 23
> NFC Payments Europe 2012 - June 13-14 - London


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Today's Top News

1. Zoe Cruz shutters her hedge fund

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Zoe Cruz was once consider the "Most Powerful Woman on Wall Street," a mythic title that is a curse as much as anything.

Look at the many others who have held the title, the likes of Sally Krawcheck, Erin Callan, Barbara Desoer, and others. They have not fared well. But there is always life after the title has been ceded.

In the case of the one-time Cruz missile, after she was summarily fired as co-president at Morgan Stanley by her mentor John Mack--who told her bluntly, "I have lost confidence in you"--she decided to start a hedge fund. Many assumed it would be a success for someone who was anointed as a future CEO of Morgan Stanley, but now the media is reporting that she will shutter her fund, Voras Capital Management, and return money to limited partners.  

Reuters notes that the fund had struggled to raise money since it was opened in 2010. It never got much beyond $200 million in assets under management. Given her personal brand, expectations were high. Fund performance was likely an issue. It lost about 8 percent last year vs. an average loss of about 5 percent for the rest of the hedge fund industry. She is not the only big-name refugee from a top bank to fail as a hedge fund entrepreneur.  Many former prop traders are struggling as hedge fund managers in a tough market. 

For more:
- here's the article

Related articles:
Krawcheck firing shows women executives still rare on Wall Street




Read more about: Hedge Funds, Morgan Stanley
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This week's sponsor is NexJ.

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2. Bank of America management prevails despite protests

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The Bank of America annual meeting was largely a success for management.

It prevailed on all shareholder resolutions by convincing margins. According to the Charlotte Business Journal, management's compensation plan was approved with 92 percent of shares cast in favor of it. All management-proposed director candidates were voted in with little opposition. A shareholder proposal to provide third-party audits of mortgage servicing operations was rejected, with 85 percent voting against it. A proposal to offer more disclosure about lobbying activity fared better was rejected, though it did win 30 percent of the vote. Proposals to limit the bank's political spending, requirements that executives retain more stock, and disclosures about employee conflicts of interest all failed.

The meeting was also a success in that the bank was able to successfully give shareholders a chance to air their views, even though the results weren't necessarily flattering. No one wants to be called the "worst of the worst" in print. Media outlets predictably focused on the media-genic controversy playing out as investors offered their acerbic commentary and questions directly to the CEO.

In the end, management ended up with a few minor scraps but no real wounds. The 40 percent gain it has registered this year no doubt helped, but the second half of 2012 is starting to cloud up just a bit. I can only hope the revenue trends can hold up.

For more:
- here's the article
- here's a look at the protests by msnbc

Related articles:
Protests loud at Bank of America meeting
Bank of America meeting: lots of drama in the making?

Read more about: Bank of America, shareholders
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3. CFPB weighs in on mortgage origination fees

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has emerged as an entity that cannot be ignored.

Like it or not, the relatively new bureau, headed by Richard Cordray, is taking its mandate seriously. At this point in its history, Elizabeth Warren would be proud, which is of course troubling to the banking industry. Executives perked up when the bureau said it would take a fresh look at overdraft fees and bank opt-in policies.

Now comes news that the bureau wants to regulate mortgage origination fees and require banks to charge a flat fee instead of a percentage of assets fee as well as to require banks to make clear that origination fees are distinct from the points people pay to lower their mortgage rate. This has long been an issue, and Dodd-Frank actually required some reforms in this area. The CFPB proposals are one possible solution.

Industry lobbyists are not happy, however, saying the proposals add confusion as they mimic similar proposals from the Federal Reserve. I am surprised that this issue was not covered in the recent settlement between top mortgage services and the state attorneys general. It would have been much less controversial if it had been. The industry should now perhaps put forward some solutions of its own.

Overall, one issue here has to be regulatory muddle. It would be nice if the regulators could all get on the same page with their proposals.

For more:
- here's the article from the New York Times

Related articles:
More mortgage settlements coming

Read more about: mortgage, fees
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4. Morgan Stanley's stock gain weak, as rating issue lingers

By Jim Kim Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Morgan Stanley's on the hot seat as Moody's ponders what to do about its credit rating.

In February, the credit rating company put the bank's long-term ratings on watch, saying its A2 rating could fall all the way to Baa2, just barely above junk status. A three-notch fall is hardly guaranteed, but some analysts think it is more than merely possible, and that has affected its stock price.

TheStreet.com notes its stock is up just 4.7 percent so far this year. The next worst performing bank is Citigroup, which is up about 20 percent. Bank of America is up about 40 percent, though it has taken a fall recently. In addition, "Morgan Stanley shares now trade at just 6.5 times estimated 2013 earnings, compared to Citigroup's 6.68 and Bank of America's 7.33, according to data from Bloomberg. Wells Fargo, which commands the highest multiple to 2013 estimates of the big six U.S. banks, is at 8.98."

It might be hard for the bank to stage a meaningful rally until the credit rating picture clears up. The biggest dangers are that the bank will be forced to post more collateral, which will raise the costs of business, and that counterparties might defect to other banks. Dramatic action by Morgan Stanley management, however, could be well received.

One analyst, Brad Hintz of Bernstein Research, says management could mitigate the impact of the ratings downgrade "by shifting its (over-the-counter) derivatives book into its higher rating bank subsidiary," the derivatives provisions in the 2010 Dodd-Frank legislation "might limit the effectiveness of this action over time."

For more:
- here's the article

Related articles:
Morgan Stanley can take a downgrade
Morgan Stanley grappling with credit rating review

Read more about: Morgan Stanley, Bank Stocks
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is Aternity.

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SPOTLIGHT ON... PIMCO ETF sets new standard

I've noted that PIMCO's ETF version of its popular Total Return Fund has gotten off to a rousing start. Morningstar amplifies that view, saying  "Today, a little more than two months since its launch, PIMCO Total Return ETF (BOND) has thus far surpassed almost everyone's expectations. It is the fastest-growing active ETF ever, with more than $700 million in assets." This is certainly changing the game for other ETF firms. They cannot afford not to plow headlong into actively managed ETFs. Article

Company News:       
> Fortress to close commodities fund. Article
> Oaktree posts first quarter profits. Article
> Goldman Sachs redeems funds from hedge funds. Article
> Goldman Sachs boosts legal loss estimate. Article
> Goldman Sachs traders lose money on one day. Article
> Facebook adds risks to filing. Article
> Glencore implicated in bribes case. Article

Industry News:
> Bill Gross's latest. Article
> IPOs slow down in Hong Kong. Article
> Gold hits 2012 low. Article
> The best case for housing. Article
> Oil traders in harsh spotlight. Article

Regulatory News:
> SEC charges Deloitte. Article
> More on mini-contracts. Article

And Finally…Do your co-workers hate you? Article


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